Temperature Sensor v1.0

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Revision as of 17:51, 3 December 2007 by ZachSmith (talk) (version migrated from twiki)
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Note: This is an experimental 'next-generation' prototype.

Temperature Sensor v1.0


[ <img src="" align="right">]

Get It!

Raw Components


You can download the electronics files from Sourceforge.

This file contains the following:

  • GERBER files for getting it manufactured
  • PDF files of the schematic, copper layers, and silkscreen
  • Eagle source files for modification
  • 3D rendered image as well as POVRay scene file
  • exerciser code to test your board.


Pin Function
+5 This is the pin to supply +5 volts on.
S This is the signal pin. It will output a voltage between 0 and 5 volts that correlates with the temperature.
G This is the ground pin.

Signal Values

The thermistor circuit is a voltage divider that can be read with an ADC such as the one on an Arduino board. That value can then be run through a formula to get the temperature in degrees. This circuit has been documented in full detail in a blog entry by nophead.

Thermistor Values

Each thermistor has its own beta value. A table of values for our thermistors will be shown below.

Build It

Board Bugs (listed by version)


  • No bugs yet, please report any you find to the forums.

Printed Circuit Board

[ <img src="">]

You can either buy this PCB from the RepRap Research Foundation, or you can make your own. The image above shows the professionally manufactured PCB ready for soldering. Its also cheap, only $0.50 USD.


[ <img src=""/>]

Soldering Instructions






Solder the correct wire to the correct pad using the table below:

Pad Color
+5 Green
S White/Brown
G Brown