MendelMax 2

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MendelMax 2.0

Release status: Released

MendelMax2 front.jpg
The newest design in the MendelMax Family with a reduced part count that improves upon the building experience.
CAD Models
External Link


The new MendelMax 2.0 is a complete reinvention of the MendelMax. It makes the MendelMax faster to build, easier to source and even better looking than before.


The MendelMax 2.0 includes a completely redesigned frame, made from aluminum extrusions and primarily flat plates. These plates can be cut from aluminum, printed, laser cut from plastic, or hand cut with a scroll saw or a coping saw (making this arguably the most accessible DIY reprap ever). A hand cut MendelMax 2.0 will virtually function identically to a custom machined one. There is no longer a reason to see your hand built machine as merely a means to an end.

Triangles are a smart choice for the gantry, both functionally and aesthetically. From a design standpoint, I wanted the MendelMax to still be visibly a Mendel descendent, while not letting the shape get in the way of improvements. By switching to a right-triangle design, the MendelMax 2.0 gains ~50mm more z-axis movement (the exact amount will depend on your extruder choice). The new design results in a very open, unobstructed print area.


  • Print Area Dimensions: 245 mm x 315 mm x 225 mm
  • Print Area: 17,364.8 cm3
  • Printer Dimensions: 450 mm x 340 mm x 460 mm
  • Usable Maximum Print Speed: 250mm/sec or more depending on the part, print material, and extruder
  • Usable Maximum Movement Speed: 500+ mm/sec
  • Layer Height: .1-.4mm, user selectable. Lower layer heights are also possible.
  • X & Y Axis Resolution: .0125mm
  • Frame: All aluminum
  • Movement: linear rail (X and Y axis), precision shafting and bushing (Z axis)


[1] Maker's Tool Works, A company run by the designer Maxbots [2] Source files for the MendelMax 2, maintained by Maker's Tool Works