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This is a broad category of RepStrap that is build from "whatever I had laying around" + "as little purchased as possible".

It's the extremely budget-conscious version, for those with lots of time, and less money.

Essentially, it's a case of:

"Build a 3-Axis table"

- of whatever you've got lying around.  Wood, Steel, etc.

"Locate 2nd-hand steppers"

- big old dot-matrix printers are a good source of these. (especially A3 or larger, with perforated paper feeders)
- some modern printers and scanners also have steppers in them

"Stepper Motor Drivers"

 - if you can re-use some of the circuit/s from inside the printers then great (uln2003 are one common usable part)
 - otherwise the sanctioned drivers are great: Stepper_Motor_Driver_2_3
 - another popular driver is the Pololu A4983 stepper driver carrier

"Build an extruder" ( sound simple, but isn't for many ).

 -You can make a wooden one, or plastic one from blocks bolted together, and a little milling. patience is a virtue. 
 - or something similar to, 
 - or a laser-cut one: 
 - you might like to get some machine parts from here:,18969,page=3
 - or just buy the lasest offering from here:

Here are links to pictures of a couple of junkstraps: