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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: unknown

Sixi 2 Master Assembly (02-2019).png
Robotic Arm
CAD Models
External Link

If the robots take all the jobs, only the robot owners will have power. In order to ensure democracy, the robots must be owned by the people. Open source robots are a must. The most important robot I can make is a helping hand. I aim to make Marginally Clever Robots, Ltd. into the Prusa of robot arms. We will make an arm so good it can build its siblings (aka 'eat your own dog food').

The technical goal of Sixi v2 is an industrial arm you can build at home. It features:

- Almost entirely 3D printed - 6 degrees of freedom, like a modern industrial arm - Can carry 2kg - Reach 80cm - Speed 50 degree/s - Accuracy goal +/-0.5mm - Open hardware - Open source

Spin-off projects include: - advanced gearboxes - automatic tool changer - custom end tooling - control software - advanced encoders

My plan is for three levels of kit: - just the non-printed parts - all the parts, unassembled - fully assembled

The Sixi robot uses steppers motors for power and magnetic on-axis sensors for feedback. The robot always knows where it is without having to home to a limit switch. It might also one day be possible to detect collisions for human-safe collaborative work.

The firmware is inspired by Marlin and understands gcode to directly drive each motor.

The control software is [1], which displays a 3D model of the arm and calculates Inverse Kinematics. Thus the programmer only needs to use a common video game controller in a Drive-To-Teach system.

Please see the Github repository [2] for links to the model files, software, and firmware.

2019-06-29 We are currently testing the arm's ability to survive shipping and building use-case instructional videos.