RepRap Morgan

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This page is a development stub. Please enhance this page by adding information, cad files, nice big images, and well structured data!

Crystal Clear action run.png
Reprap Morgan

Release status: unknown

No image available.png
Future Default RepRap and GADA prize applicant
CAD Models
External Link

RepRap Morgan

Reprap Morgan is intended to be the next default RepRap, while conforming to the specification of the Gada Prize. In the opinion of the author the main problem prohibiting faster replication of RepRap system are:

  1. Cost of a stable structure, capable of a long service life at a high print quality
  2. Relatively hard to construct: Precise measurements are required

In addition to the GADA goals, the following goals will be added:

  1. Total material cost (excluding build platform) of <$100
  2. Print, Snap and Tighten assembly process for the main system components
  3. Vitamins should be kept to absolute minimum, and should be easily available, at very low cost - worldwide.
  4. Vitamins should additionally be used keeping in mind their original design specification, in order to maximize vitamin lifetime.


We are in very early concept development, and concept drawings have not yet crossed the digital divide... Coming soon A repstrap is in development as a test bed for the concepts, and as prototyping platform for the design.

The complete unit mechanical design will be done in OpenSCAD. Software / Firmware likely to be based loosely off the Printrun / Sprinter combination. Electronics likely to be RAMPS or similar.

Files and Parts


Photos and Drawings

May contain scaffolding.
This page may contain "scaffolding" - mediawiki text from the Example page that may not need to be there. It may help to delete the parts that you don't need. (more details)