Generation 3 firmware

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RepRap Generation 3 Firmware

I am a part of the Generation 3 Electronics System


The authoritative protocol specification lives as a shared Google Doc. This document describes the setup and implementation of the communication protocol that the 3rd Generation firmware uses.


In this system, there are essentially three different types of devices:

Host Device - This is your computer that controls the RepRap and issues commands and queries. As of this writing, the only software that is capable of acting as a Host device is ReplicatorG.

Master Device - This is the main microcontroller device. In the Generation 3 Electronics, this is the RepRap motherboard which contains an onboard Sanguino. It is responsible for receiving commands from the host (or other source) and either executing them directly or delegating them out to the various slave devices.

Slave Device - This is a microcontroller device that takes care of one small subsystem, such as an extruder, a toolhead, or a temperature-controlled build base. It receives commands from the Master device and then executes them.

Communication Channels

The protocol itself is split into two different communication channels:

Host CPU -> Motherboard Communications

This is the link between the computer and the motherboard. The physical communication happens over a USB->TTL serial link.

Motherboard -> Slave Communications

This is the link between the motherboard and the various extruder toolheads. The physical communication happens over RS485.


We have written firmware that implements both the Master and Slave devices. These firmwares are fully operational, but there are many improvements left to be made. You can get the up-to-the-minute version of the firmware from the RepRap Subversion Repository. The subversion code is not guaranteed to work, and may infact contain bugs. Use it at your own risk.

TODO: link this up. The latest stable version of the code is available at SourceForge. The current stable version is v1.0.

There are two different firmwares that we have written: ArduinoSlaveExtruder and SanguinoMaster. Each one is designed to be run on an Arduino or Sanguino respectively. See the instructions below for configuring and uploading them to your boards.

Arduino Libraries

We have written a few libraries to enable extra functionality such as our packet system and SD card reading/writing. You will need these libraries in order to compile and upload the firmwares. This is very simple to accomplish. Just copy the folders in the libraries/ directory into the hardware/libraries/ folder contained in the Arduino software.

To rephrase: Copy reprap-r3g-firmware-1.x/libraries/* to arduino-00xx/hardware/libraries/

Sanguino Master Firmware

The Sanguino Master firmware is designed to be run on the v1.x versions of the RepRap motherboard. Using this firmware is very easy:

  1. Download and unzip the firmware.
  2. Rename the Configuration.h.dist file to Configuration.h
  3. Open the sketch in Arduino.
  4. Edit the Configuration.h file and change it to match your electronics setup. It has built-in documentation.
  5. Select 'Sanguino' from the boards menu and upload it.

Arduino Slave Firmware

The Arduino Slave firmware is designed to be run on the v2.x versions of the Extruder Controller. Using this firmware is very easy:

  1. Download and unzip the firmware.
  2. Rename the Configuration.h.dist file to Configuration.h
  3. Open the sketch in Arduino.
  4. Edit the Configuration.h file and change it to match your electronics setup. It has built-in documentation.
  5. Optional: If you are using a non-standard thermistor, modify the ThermistorTable.h file. It has built-in documentation.
  6. Select 'Arduino Diecimila' from the boards menu and upload it.

Host Control Software

Now that you have the firmware installed, you'll want to control it with something. Currently, the easiest way of doing this is by using ReplicatorG. So, the first thing you'll want to do is install ReplicatorG. You'll need at least version 0003. The software comes pre-configured to work with a few common RepRap machines and contains information you need to configure it to control your machine.