RUG/Pennsylvania/State College/Printers/BioFab@Home/Gallery

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FAB@HOME LOGOPrototype.png
Color: Acrylic
Extruder: Syringe
Temperature: -
Design: Fab@Home
Electronics: RAMPS
Firmware: Marlin

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Substrate Testing

<videoflash type="youtube">QCZMciQhO9s</videoflash> <videoflash type="youtube">a3qCThrnepE</videoflash>

"In order: Concentrated Heated Gelatin 1,2; Weak Heated Gelatin 1; and Concentrated gelatin slurries (unheated gelatin) 1,2"
"Cross sections of strong slurries. The 0.96 ratio held the shape of the design best and was fluid enough to heal after extrusion. The reason the outline is faint is that the gelatin was absorbed into the surrounding slurry; this will not happen with hydrogel."

Hydrogel Testing
