Sanguinololu Wireless Adapter

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Sanguinololu Wireless Adapter

Release status: working

Sanguinololu Wireless Adapter.jpg
Release Version 1.0
CAD Models
External Link

Note: Please be merciful, this page is still under construction by the original author


The Sanguinololu Wireless Adapter (SWA) allows full wireless communication with the Sanguinololu controller. It includes a bluetooth module (Roving Networks RN-41) as well as a microSD card reader.

Latest Updates

  • The SWA has been successfully tested on revision 1.3a of the Sanguinololu, however it should function correctly on revisions 1.2 and above.
  • Connecting the SWA to a Sanguinololu of revision 1.1 or below, may damage your SWA or your Sanguinololu.
  • The SWA has been successfully tested using the most recent versions of Sprinter and Printrun.


RN-41 Configuration

The SWA has the option for a 4 pole DIP switch when selecting between different modes on the RN-41. Omitting the dip switch will keep the RN-41 in it's default state, which is usually sufficient for operation. In the picture below, the switches labeled 1-4 correspond to pins PIO7, PIO6, PIO3 and PIO4 respectively on the RN-41. The 'up' position is high (3.3V) and the 'down' position is low (GND).

Sanguinololu Wireless Adapter switches.jpg

Switch 1 (PIO7) controls the baudrate. High corresponds to 9600 baud and low to 115200 baud. For details on the other modes consult the RN-41 datasheet.

Sanguinololu Firmware

The SWA uses RX1/TX1 on the Sanguinololu for serial communication. As of this writing, no known firmware supports the SWA 'out of box' without some modification. Using Sprinter, this is relatively easy to do if you are familiar with uploading firmware. Firstly, find the following three files:

  • Sprinter.pde
  • SdFatUtil.h
  • SdFile.cpp

Then, with your favorite text editor replace each instance of 'Serial.' with 'Serial1.' in every file. Finally, compile and upload to the Sanguinololu. After modification, the USB cable will not function during regular USB communication with the Sanguinololu. Don't worry, the USB cable will still work with the bootloader when uploading new firmware so you can revert the code and re-establish regular USB communication at any time.


D1 (Green LED)
Slow blinking: RN-41 is in sleep mode.
Fast blinking: RN-41 is ready to be paired.
Constantly on: Serial connection established.

You will not be able to pair the device in sleep mode. When this happens (and it will after about 1 minute) you should press the reset button on the Sanguinololu to 'wake up' the RN-41. If the RN-41 is already paired and the LED is in this state, you shouldn't have a problem establishing a serial connection.

D2 (Yellow LED)
Serial connection established.
D3 (Red LED)
Power applied / microSD card inserted

D3 was meant to be a microSD card detect indicator. However, the terminals for this function on the microSD card socket have proven to be too difficult to solder by hand. Luckily, it can also serve as a 3.3V power indicator if pad 11 is soldered to pad 10 on the microSD socket footprint (this is the usual outcome anyway if you're not precise enough). The power indicator function has proven to be more useful when testing the SWA.


Make sure the Sanguinololu is without power. Properly connect the SWA. Turn on power. D1 (Green LED) should immediately begin fast blinking.


Command Line

In a terminal type something like:

 hcitool scan

You should see something similar to:

 Scanning ...
         00:06:66:07:DA:76        FireFly-DA76

In this case, FireFly-DA76 is the name of the RN-41 onboard the SWA and 00:06:66:07:DA:76 is it's address. Naturally, your values will be different. Copy the address, you will need it below.

Now type something like:

 sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 <RN-41 address> 1

Make sure to replace <RN-41 address> with the address you copied from above.

If a serial connection is successfully made you should see:

 Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to <RN-41 address> on channel 1
 Press CTRL-C for hangup

You should also see that D1 (Green LED) and D2 (Yellow LED) are now constantly on. You will now be able to connect to the Sanguinololu with the host software of your choice. Be sure to specify the connection port as /dev/rfcomm0 or whatever you used above.


If you would like to use a GUI the default bluetooth manager is not recommended. Instead, use Blueman Device Manager by searching Synaptic for 'blueman' or by typing the following in a terminal:

 sudo apt-get install blueman

You may need to start it manually the first time after installing. If you can't find it, restart your computer. It should appear on your panel (as a second bluetooth icon). After you have it up and running do the following:

  1. Find 'Search' and click
    'Firefly-XXXX' should be listed as a device
  2. Right click on 'Firefly-XXXX' and select 'Pair'
  3. Type '1234' in the input dialog that appears then click 'OK'
  4. Right click again and select 'Setup...'
  5. Select 'Serial Port' and click 'Forward'

You should see a message in the top right of your screen. It's important that you notice this and the port location (which is typically '/dev/rfcomm0'). You should also see that D1 (Green LED) and D2 (Yellow LED) are now constantly on. You will now be able to connect to the Sanguinololu with the host software of your choice. Be sure to specify the connection port as /dev/rfcomm0 or whatever you saw above. Note, Blueman Device Manager may be buggy if you lose the connection or disconnect and try to reconnect immediately afterwards.

Windows 7

A successful pairing has been made with the RN-41 onboard the SWA, but no further testing has been done.


A successful pairing has been made with the RN-41 onboard the SWA using a Pantech Pocket, but no further testing has been done.