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So many software!

Posted by Atfer 
So many software!
October 14, 2011 09:06AM
Hello! I am starting with Reprap and was now trying to install all the software I am going to need in order to make my Mendel work. I spent time in the Wiki page and finally got these software installed and running:

Reprap Host : Tells the reprap what to do
Openscad : 2D to 3D tool
Inkscape : 2D design tool
Printrun : Like the host software?
Blender : 3D design tool
Arduino software : Export software to Arduino

I would like to know if there is some outdated software in these and if I got everything I need to run my Mendel.

My computer spec :
Running on Ubuntu 10.04 with a Eeepc 1000H (got a tower for 3D design)

My Mendel :
Original Mendel
-Arduino Mega 2560
-RAMPS 1.4
-Pololu A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier

Thanks for your help! Right now I am a little confused with all these software and what is their purpose.
Re: So many software!
October 14, 2011 09:17AM

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse
Re: So many software!
October 14, 2011 09:26AM
Printrun is Skeinforge. My mistake!
Re: So many software!
October 14, 2011 09:32AM
No, Printrun is not Skeinforge.
Printrun is a new Host software that can use Skeinforge if installed as a subdirectory.

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse
Re: So many software!
October 14, 2011 09:38AM
Have a look here: [forums.reprap.org]
Re: So many software!
October 14, 2011 09:45AM
You need the arduino software to upload the firmware to your electronics.

To run your mendel you need slicing software to make the toolpath(gcode) from the 3D model (stl) file. And you need a host software to control the printer and send the gcode. I suggest you use pronterface with built in sfact, over the java reprap host.

The other programs you mention are great when you want to design your own parts. If you want to modify the original prusa parts, OpenSCAD is a must, while also being excellent (and a sort of standard for the community) for parametric modelling. Personally I use the inkscape+OpenSCAD combo for 2D to 3D converting, and prefer Wings 3D for organic mesh modelling work.

A lot of people also like google sketchup, which have a easier learning curve.

Bottom line: Use the software you like and/or are familiar with, but don't be afraid to try new ways to do things. smiling smiley

Blog with RepRap Comic
Re: So many software!
October 14, 2011 04:53PM
Thanks for your answers!

If I got it right :

The Reprap host software : [reprap.org] Has been replaced by Pronterface (Alias Printrun). Pronterface is the final software used to communicate with the Reprap.

The Arduino Software is used to implant the Firmware in it (So not used often).

Skeinforge is a 3D slicing software

Blender / Wing3D / OpenScad / Inkscape : 2D/3D Software used to make the object.

If I place them in order, I get :

1) Any 3D software ---> Give me a .stl file
2) Skeinforge -----------> Give me a gcode
3) Pronterface ----------> Use the gcode to print

Correct me if i am wrong!
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