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Q about the part lister and Arduino

Posted by Wade 
Q about the part lister and Arduino
April 21, 2008 01:10PM
First off, let me say congrats on the parts lister - that's an awesome piece of work! I love that I can just cut and paste BOM's into individual suppliers.

But, I'm a little confused. I'm trying to build up a Darwin from scratch. I don't want the tools, as I can find those locally, but I also want to build the Arduino version. But, I'm a little confused as to which parts I need to check off to get everything for an Arduino Darwin. Can't use the Darwin item, as that includes all the Pic parts as well. So I'm trying to click only the modules I know I'll need, and manually adding the quantities. A little tricky for someone who's not intimately familiar with the project. Yet. smiling smiley

Anyway, maybe there's something obvious I've missed? For instance, if I order the Arduino Based Electronics, do I still need to order 6 opto endstops? What about the stepper motor drivers? They look like Pic parts...

I'll figure it out eventually, just thought I'd ask. Incidentally, I've always been slightly nervous about automated electronics shops like Digikey or Mouser - how long till the Google super cluster figures out it can order parts? The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress comes to mind, and here I go making things worse! smiling smiley

Re: Q about the part lister and Arduino
April 21, 2008 01:57PM
Hm, as usual, by the time I get around to posting a question, I manage to solve it myself right afterwards. I think all the electronics are included in the Arduino Electronics item, and I just need to order 1 of everything else except the Darwin part.

Re: Q about the part lister and Arduino
April 21, 2008 02:28PM
I've always found that if I am able to pose the question in writing I'm usually pretty near to knowing the answer. smileys with beer
Re: Q about the part lister and Arduino
April 21, 2008 03:41PM
True, very true. Something about organizing one's thoughts I imagine.

Hm, I do think that the Arduino BOM builder leaves out the Arduino itself - it's listed up at the top, but I'm not finding it in any of the generated shopping lists. Going to order a couple from Sparkfun with the thermocouple, as I'm expecting to let the magic smoke out of at least one.

Bits from Bytes, RRRF and Mouser orders are placed! Woo! I get a lot done on the non-windy days. smiling smiley Going to wait for a bit on the mechanical parts until I get my new apartment sorted, those are sounding a bit awkward to transport via bicycle.

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