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How complex can the parts be?

Posted by marks 
How complex can the parts be?
December 20, 2010 10:17PM
Will the Repap print parts like these? Will the parts be water tight (solid)
The first part will have a part that fit into it.
open | download - ino-box.jpg (2.2 KB)
open | download - 3703488951238080_5.jpg (1.2 KB)
Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 20, 2010 11:30PM
1) Yes
2) Yes

Tolerance fits will be tricky, but doable.
Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 21, 2010 05:37AM

The appearance of the pieces produced after is smooth or rough at (x, y, z)?
How do they normally do? finish the pieces by hand to look smooth.
What is the definition of X? Y? and Z?

Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 21, 2010 07:18AM
Nophead has just printed the first of a complex set of parts that will form a Laser-tag gun -

Nophead Laser-tag Gun

Take a look at his blog for other examples of well fitting and detailed parts.

Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 21, 2010 07:49AM

I saw what I indicated, and I liked the aspect of part of the "laser-tag gun" but that number has come out with that aspect of Mendel directly or was finished by hand?

Also took a look at your blog and your products do not have the same aspect of "laser-tag gun, " Why?

Thank you, sorry but the questions I have some doubts about the quality of parts.

Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 21, 2010 08:04AM
Parts can be complex... and also have a good surface finish and fine detail, but this all depends on how you have the machine setup, what filament size you are extruding, layer height and the resolution your machine can resolve along with backlash etc.

My parts lack the same quality due to backlash in my extruder and to some extent very slow printing speed (causing small surface blobs). - It's also a Repstrap and not a Mendel, so again your machine will perform differently.
I also don't have a suitable heated bed for ABS printing at the moment.

Nophead's parts are some of the best examples of what Mendel can do, but you will have to be prepared to do some work and careful setup to get to this level.

Also look on Thingiverse, (this is a resonable example of a complex part) - Thing you will see lots and lots of parts, some have good quality and some not so good, but most will still do the job.

Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 21, 2010 09:20AM

O ultimo exemplo com as peças de lego têm muito boa qualidade, é a que preciso para realizar o meu trabalho, como consigo obter este nível?

E uma ultima pergunta, nas peças produzidas podemos sempre observar as riscas das passagens do extrusor como podemos eliminar isso? com uma lixa, um solvente ou existem outras técnicas ou outros materiais que não apareça tanto.
Qual o melhor plástico, ABS, PLA ou outros? Com qual se obtém os melhores resultados.


Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 21, 2010 10:59AM

The last example with the lego pieces have very good quality, is the need to perform my job as I can get this level?

And one last question, the parts produced can always see the stripes of the passages of the extruder as we can eliminate it? with sandpaper, solvent, or are there other techniques or other materials that do not appear either.
What is the best plastic, ABS, PLA or other? With which it obtains the best results.


Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 21, 2010 11:19AM
We must end the pieces produced in this way?


Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 21, 2010 11:28AM
You should look at reprap.org and specifically - Mendel

Hopefully this should give you a good idea of what you will need to do to build one, or you can look at buying a complete built machine (but normally you would build it yourself so that way you can make it work well and fix it yourself).

The layers are a feature of the way the models are built, these can be minimised by having a small layer height 0.2mm for example, this gives very smooth results.
You can use chemicals / solvent to reduce these or fill them, but I doubt you will need to for most models.

And choice of material is personal preference, both PLA and ABS are used by most Reprappers.


Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 21, 2010 11:34AM
We must end the pieces produced in this way?

Only if you use a raft (because you don't use a heated bed) or if you need support material due to overhangs which the spring that was printed in the video definitely needs. You can only do a 45° incline without using support material. A 90° bend would be printing in mid-air without using support material. And support material must be separated from the object.

Some RepRappers are experimenting with using PLA as a support material and ABS as the object material.
Certain solvents will dissolve PLA but not bother ABS. Put it in this solution and the PLA disappears after a number of hours (overnight is best).

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse
Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 22, 2010 05:30AM

Now I start my Mendel.
I see many links to buy the shares of mendel someone can suggest me the best?
Someone can send me the complete list of parts and accessories Mendel, for me not to miss any part.
Where can I find the assembly scheme?

Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 22, 2010 05:34AM

Everything you are asking is in the WIKI!

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse
Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 22, 2010 07:28AM
Hi Bob

Thank you for your kindness and gentleness.
I did not ask you to tell me where to find what he needed.
Also because the answers I needed was not you who found them, but thanks anyway.

I asked for help and as you know my English is not the best and I use google translate.

So I asked for help but a personal, and people with more experience here with the components of mendel.

Still waiting for the kindness that anyone who can help me.


Re: How complex can the parts be?
December 22, 2010 05:11PM
www.arqtec.pt Wrote:
> Hi
> Now I start my Mendel.

congratulations and welcome to Reprap

> I see many links to buy the shares of mendel
> someone can suggest me the best?

If you are talking about buying the printed parts, not many rival nophead's quality, However the accuracy of your machine will be more dependent on the construction than the printed parts. In my opinion, the only parts that require good quality are the extruder gears and pulleys.

> Someone can send me the complete list of parts and
> accessories Mendel, for me not to miss any part.

The best you can do is study the wiki. Also, if you miss a part, you can get it later.

> Where can I find the assembly scheme?

Start here: [reprap.org]
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