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x axis carriage with lutzbot hot end with wade extruder

Posted by HereIgoAgain 
x axis carriage with lutzbot hot end with wade extruder
June 03, 2012 07:45AM
Anyone have plans for a modified xaxis carrage using a lutzbot hot end with wade extruder ?
thanks in advance
Re: x axis carriage with lutzbot hot end with wade extruder
June 03, 2012 10:19AM
Hi HereIgoAgain. Your question is a litte ambiguos. Let me try and clarify it, so you get the answers you need. Do you mean

A. Is any one "planning" to use a Lulzbot's Budaschnozzle 1.1 hot end with a Wade's extruder in a modified X-Carriage?

B. Does anyone have an X-Carriage design file that works with Lulzbot's Budaschnozzle 1.1 and a Wade's extruder?

I think you mean "B", so you should tell a little about your machine, like what type of RepRap design it is, and why any X-Carriage designs you have found are not working.

If you look at thebottom of the Lulzbot page of the Budaschnozzle 1.1, there is a note on where to find the right knid of X-Carriage for the hot end.

Lulzbot Website
NOTE: The Budaschnozzle is not compatible with Greg Frost's lm8uu linear bearing x-carriage or the MakerGear x-carriage. For lm8uu bearings you will need Prusa's lm8uu carriage. You can find it here. For use with the MakerGear Prusa you will need this x-carriage and plastruder body.
Re: x axis carriage with lutzbot hot end with wade extruder
June 03, 2012 11:57AM
Thanks for responding Jcabrer. I have been using the Budaschnozzle 1.1 on a mendel reprap with a Wades extruder. It works but the X-carriage is too narrow to accomodate the width of the buda and I have mounted it below the x-carriage. I was hoping someone has made a modified x-carriage that will accommodate the 1.1. Hope this is explained better.
Re: x axis carriage with lutzbot hot end with wade extruder
June 03, 2012 01:33PM
You could try my Quick fit X carriage, it has the LM8uu bearings at the ends, so in the middle you have maximum width for hot-end clearance. It fits a Schnozzle and Skymaker has done a quick-fit adapter for it so you should have a happy BudaSchnozzle and X carriage.

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