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RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review

Posted by xnaron 
RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
April 26, 2014 11:35AM
I made a short youtube video about the RADDS (Reprap Arduino Due Driver Shield) board I have had on the bench for the last couple of weeks. I put it on the printer yesterday.

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
April 26, 2014 03:13PM
Stupid question: what are the jumper wires soldered to the top of each driver module on both your RADDS and RAMPS-FD boards?????
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
April 26, 2014 03:42PM
Stupid question: what are the jumper wires soldered to the top of each driver module on both your RADDS and RAMPS-FD boards?????

I have an older version of the DRV8825 driver boards from Polulu. They didn't have a pullup on the fault lines. There is an internal resistor so I just used a jumper. However it would probably be a better idea to put a 10K resistor on there instead.

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
April 26, 2014 07:30PM
have you noticed any other improvements with that radds board, it has my attention for a upgrade

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
April 26, 2014 07:52PM
have you noticed any other improvements with that radds board, it has my attention for a upgrade

Well no aside from the things I mentioned like the micro sd card reader, built in eeprom and level converters. I did notice today that there appears to be a problem with one of the mosfets on my board (fan 1). I modified the RADDS test program below to only turn the mosfets on. I used a delay of 1 second and modified it when I needed to for testing. I confirmed that my arduino due is outputting on pin 8 as expected but the led for the mosfet does not turn on and I get no voltage at the terminals. I am thinking the mosfet is bad or there may be another issue on the board. I am still in the process of troubleshooting it.

#include "DueTimer.h"

// FETs:
volatile byte fet_pin[6]; // Pins zum Schalten der FETs
volatile int fet; // FET-Steuerung
volatile int ii;

void setup() {
// LCD:

// FETs:
fet_pin[0] = 7; // FET 1 = Heizbett
fet_pin[1] = 8; // FET 2
fet_pin[2] = 9; // FET 2
fet_pin[3] = 11; // FET 2
fet_pin[4] = 12; // FET 2
fet_pin[5] = 13; // FET 2
for (ii = 0; ii <= 5; ii++){
pinMode(fet_pin[ii], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(fet_pin[ii], HIGH);
digitalWrite(fet_pin[ii], LOW);


void loop() {
// adc_auslesen();
// drehencoder();
// fets_steuern();
// endstops();
// sd_cd = digitalRead(14);
// if (lcd_aus > 100) {
// lcd_aus = 0;
// lcd_ausgabe();
// }
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 05, 2014 03:08AM
thumbs up

Mein Club: [hackerspace-ffm.de]
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial [max3dshop.org]
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 06, 2014 04:37AM
1/128 Microstepperdriver for RADDS

Display prototype:

Mein Club: [hackerspace-ffm.de]
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial [max3dshop.org]
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 07, 2014 06:57PM
Just an update on my previous post. It turns out I did have a bad mosfet. I was able to replace it with a new one and it works fine now. Mosfets are pretty susceptible to esd so it is always possible I killed it. I didn't check it when I got it so we'll never know smiling smiley. Regardless it is fixed now. I am sure Angelo would have sent me a replacement if I wasn't able to fix it myself.

I'm going to pick up some more RADDS to replace the controllers on my other printers.

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 07, 2014 06:58PM
1/128 Microstepperdriver for RADDS
[attachment 32277 RADDS_128_s_drive1.jpg]

Can you show a picture of how these mount on the RADDS? I am having a hard time picturing it.

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 08, 2014 03:45AM
Hi Brendin,
Sure I post a Picture for the setup after Work :-).
If I have the 1/128 Stepperdriver and the SD/LCD I will send you a set for Testing, If you like.
(I hope at the End of this month. It Is Free for you, and a litle sorry for the initial RADDS Problem).

How many Stepperdriver you need?

Have Fun

Mein Club: [hackerspace-ffm.de]
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial [max3dshop.org]
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 11, 2014 04:10PM
Sounds great Angelo! Thanks! I think 4x 128 steppers would work for my setup.

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 13, 2014 03:48AM
Hi xnaron, have you tested the servos' ports?

---- "Let me make my move" ----
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 18, 2014 07:06PM
I've converted to a: RADDS v1.1, DRV8825, 0.9 degree NEMA 17.

I have a delta printer with Pitch 2, Teeth 20, Steps 32, Steps per rotation 400, so 320 steps per mm.

Two of the motors move at the same rate but one of them is moving slightly slower than the other ones. When I home it at the top all looks good but when I start to drive Z down, the extruder head moves to one side because one motor is slower.

Any thoughts?

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 18, 2014 09:42PM
i would love to find your sch and brd files, i like this board, but i would like to mod it a little.

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 19, 2014 02:56AM
Hi dissidence,
which mdifications do you need ?

Hi Cyrus,
can you send me your firmware-configuration please.

(email address removed)

Admin edit : for security reasons you should not publish your email address in a publicly readable forum - send it to the user in a private message instead.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2014 07:39AM by DeuxVis.

Mein Club: [hackerspace-ffm.de]
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial [max3dshop.org]
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 19, 2014 03:38AM
Two questions arise when i read your thread:

How does your stepper's torque behave when you use 128/th stepping? It should be close to zero using microsteps that small... I already noticed a huge drop using drv8825 32 microsteps compared to 16... Is the resolution gain worth it?

Does the full graphic 12864 LCD also work with RADDS?

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 19, 2014 04:59AM
How does your stepper's torque behave when you use 128/th stepping?

The same way it does with 1/32 and 1/16 stepping. It's an often seen misconception that microstepping would reduce torque. It doesn't. 16 microsteps at 1/128 are electrically identical to on step at 1/16.

Generation 7 Electronics Teacup Firmware RepRap DIY
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 19, 2014 05:14AM
Hi Yellobello,

the printresoution ist much better with 1/128 micro.

Full Graphic 12864 LCD can work with RADDS and repetier, but you have to make it, if you like.
For us it is not so importent, because Full Graphic Display has a delay, and the price for a production was highter as a 7" Touch Display (with udoo).
(we make experiments with an Tablet... [www.androidpit.de] )
For the traditional reprap er we can offer an 2004 LCD Display:

Here the spezifications:

Mein Club: [hackerspace-ffm.de]
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial [max3dshop.org]
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 19, 2014 11:51AM
i am looking at moving over to a thermocouple, so i would like to add the chips i need right to the board, after that i would have to get one made for me.

Hi dissidence,
which mdifications do you need ?

Hi Cyrus,
can you send me your firmware-configuration please.

(email address removed)

Admin edit : for security reasons you should not publish your email address in a publicly readable forum - send it to the user in a private message instead.

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 19, 2014 01:03PM

The DRV8825 are awfully slow (require 1.8us long high signals). When I used them one motor was always a bit behind, because the arm is so fast in switching the stepper signals. You need to explicitly add a stepper high delay of 1-2 us to make them happy. For me it helped. You need advanced settings enabled in config tool to see that parameter.

Repetier-Software - the home of Repetier-Host (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and Repetier-Firmware.
Repetier-Server - the solution to control your printer from everywhere.
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Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 19, 2014 05:53PM
So you used this function: Delay stepper high signal?

I love the configuration tool online, do you know if it would ever be possible to parse a conf file back into this tool for future use. I can fill it out manually but I feel that I might miss something in my configuration file. There are also a couple of fields that I don't use so I feel I might miss them.

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 19, 2014 07:16PM
So far so good on setting the stepper high signal to 1. Thanks!
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 20, 2014 02:25AM
No, it will never parse the original files. That is way to complicated. That is why we embed the config in a comment in a easier format, so it can at least parse it's own generated config files.

Repetier-Software - the home of Repetier-Host (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and Repetier-Firmware.
Repetier-Server - the solution to control your printer from everywhere.
Visit us on Facebook and Twitter!
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
May 21, 2014 07:34PM
I need 5v to for a Z-probe that I'm installing. After looking at the schematics for the RADDS I soldered on two pins for the Servos and ATX_on section of the board. The problem that I am having is that the Servo +5V out is not producing 5V. I know on a couple of other boards this will has worked.

Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
June 17, 2014 08:01PM
I've been using the RADDS now since I first posted this thread. I have printed for at least 100 hours. I have been plagued with occasional (5) lockups with Repetier on the DUE with RADDS. I have tried different DUE boards to rule out hardware and have upgraded to the latest Repetier. Before switching over to the RADDS from the RAMPS-FD I don't think I experienced them. Maybe one time... Anyhow they are dangerous. If you are printing when it locks up it will keep the hotend on with no regulation. With my all metal hotend it went above 500C before I caught it. Just a heads up to anyone who is using this combo to not leave your printer printing unattended (this is good advice regardless). If I had my J-Head hot end on there it would have been destroyed and possibly started a fire. This is bleeding edge firmware after all and bugs are expected. Roland is aware of the issue and I am sure it'll be solved in time.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2014 08:06PM by xnaron.
Re: RADDS First Impressions and Mini Review
June 21, 2014 07:03AM
I have also the Due and Radds V1.0 on my Delta, and it's was working fine in the beginning. I’m have used the web configuration tool on repetier.com and got a working firmware. After I have been printing for about half an hour the extruder motor is not working any more. I have tested all 3 extruder connection, but non of them are turning the motor. I have also tried to replace the motor with a new one, but without any luck. I tried also to set MIN_EXTRUDER_TEMP 0, but no life. When I try the Radds_test firmware the extruder motor is not spinning. [reprap.org]

Any of you have a clue of what is wrong?

I found the problem myself :-), The Radds board was delivered with all driver mounted. All 3 extruder driver was rotated 180 deg.
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