Anonymous User
first generation printed parts
July 10, 2008 04:36PM
My friend and i have been planning all year to work on a rep rap this summer - reading the blogs constantly and stumbling through the wiki and instructions. however, our connection at Virginia Commonwealth University went on sabbatical before we were able to get the parts printed cheaply by the VCU printers. We found another source that will print the printable parts we need for us, but the time and volume are now more relevant because this source does not have the resources of a large university. My question to all of you who have had a set of parts printed, for the average 3d printer 9and this can be a very rough estimate) how much time will it take for the printer to make all necessary printer parts. Also, how much material will be needed to print all of the printable parts.

We greatly appreciate any feedback we might get, and look forward to joining the reprap community this summer as we attempt to construct a Darwin.

-Andrew Burks
Re: first generation printed parts
July 10, 2008 05:30PM
Very roughly (after printing most of the parts on my RepStrap) it is about 1Kg of ABS and 100 hours. Commercial printers may be a bit faster but I think in the same ballpark.

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