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Problems with Skeinforge speeds

Posted by epareja 
Problems with Skeinforge speeds
July 15, 2012 12:29AM
Hello again all.

This Skeinforge is giving me headache because of the speeds.

I'm printing a calibration part and the 2 first layers print at normal speed, but from the third layer and above the speed decreses.

I'm using this settings:
Feed Rate (50 mm/s)
Flow Rate (50)

Object first layer FEED Rate infill multiplyer : (0.4)
Object first layer FEED Rate perimeter multiplayer (0.4)
Object first layer FLOW Rate infill multiplyer : (0.4)
Object first layer FLOW Rate perimeter multiplayer (0.4)

Orbital feed rate over operating feed rate (1)
Maximum Z feed rate (1)

Perimeter feed rate multiplier (1.0)
Perimeter flow rate multiplier (1.0)

Travel Feed rate (150 mm/s)

The same part sliced with Slic3r 0.8.4 runs much faster than this. In Skeinforge, when loaded into pronterface it says will take 1 hour 22 minutes and in Slic3r it says 33 minutes.

What am I missing here?

Thank you

Ernesto Pareja

Re: Problems with Skeinforge speeds
July 15, 2012 01:06AM
Look at the cool tab. It will slow down layers that take less then a certain time and the first solid layers take longer then that time so they do not slow down.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2012 01:54AM by Sublime.

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Re: Problems with Skeinforge speeds
July 15, 2012 01:45AM
That was my problem @sublime!!!! Actually it's not a problem but I didn't understand why that happened. Thank you!
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