Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 09, 2012 01:26PM

I have a prusa Mendel with 10cm max height and I need to print a larger object.

Is it possible to divide the part in two parts and bond them afterwards?

Also, is it possible to do it in SolidWorks?

Thank you

Ernesto Pareja

Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 09, 2012 01:46PM
NETFABB Basic allows you to cut STL files into multiples.

You can download it from netfabb.com
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 09, 2012 01:49PM
I have printed sperate parts and merged them. I have used SCAD and generated 2 pieces with registers to line the two pieces up, but I did not start from STL files. I had the original scad files.

I experimented with using super glue, and acetone. Both worked to join the pieces., with the acetone it took longer and wasn't a strong join.

I didn't use the piece in a loaded way, I don't know how well the joins would hold up. I expect the super glue would work until the ABS failed.
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 09, 2012 05:13PM
Hello, the basic free version doesn't allow to cut the file. Thanks anyway.
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 09, 2012 05:16PM
if you can post the stl file it should be too hard
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 09, 2012 05:30PM
thejollygrimreaper Wrote:
> if you can post the stl file it should be too hard

Thank you for your answer but I didn't understand what you meant.

Ernesto Pareja

Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 09, 2012 07:39PM
epareja Wrote:
> Hello, the basic free version doesn't allow to cut
> the file. Thanks anyway.

Actually, I use the free version to cut STLs all the time
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 09, 2012 09:23PM
SolidWorks can cut STL's just fine, assuming the STL doesn't have too many errors. Just import it as a solid body (under options in the open windows). You can then cut it and re-export the parts as separate STL's.

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Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 09, 2012 09:52PM
lincomatic Wrote:
> epareja Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hello, the basic free version doesn't allow to
> cut
> > the file. Thanks anyway.
> Actually, I use the free version to cut STLs all
> the time

Thank you but the latest version 4.9.2 doesn't allow cut on the basic free version. See this comparison between versions: http://www.netfabb.com/comparison.php.

This image I'm uploading shows the version and the options in the PRO.

Can you share your free version installer?

Thank you
open | download - Netfabb.jpg (36.6 KB)
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 10, 2012 02:54AM
v4.9.0 still allows cutting in the Basic (FREE) version.

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
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Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 10, 2012 03:22AM
... cutting AND exporting as separate STL's?

Some of my similar tools are limited only in exporting/saving the results when run in 'free' mode ...

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Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 10, 2012 03:41AM
Blender 3d should be able to do this. Just import the .stl remove the vertices below the cut line and then add in a surface to close the solid. Then export as a .stl. Repeat for the other half of the object.
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 10, 2012 03:59AM
... cutting AND exporting as separate STL's?

YES. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 10, 2012 04:56AM
martinprice2004 Wrote:
> Blender 3d should be able to do this. Just import
> the .stl remove the vertices below the cut line
> and then add in a surface to close the solid. Then
> export as a .stl. Repeat for the other half of the
> object.

... this wouldn't work properly for meshes cutting the 'cut-line' - try with boolean operations or search a solution, that divides the involved triangles along the cut ...

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Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
August 10, 2012 05:03AM
The CUT function works fine in v4.9.2 - only the Free Cut doesn't work.

To use the Cut function adjust either the X, Y or Z slider in the Cuts group on the right hand side and then click on the "Execute cut" button. Now press the Cut button on the bottom right hand corner. Now at the top right hand side of the window you see Parts. Select the desired part and Export to STL Binary.

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
September 01, 2012 01:20AM
Thanks Bob! Saved the day!
Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
September 01, 2012 07:43AM
Hello, i was trying the split command in netfaab that is disabled.

I finally found the cut method in netfaab and works great.

I also found in youtube how to divide the solid body and it works better than netfaab because it leaves no holes.

Thank you all in this forum that helped me alot!!!

Ernesto Pareja

Re: Divide an STL file in two parts? Possible?
September 01, 2012 02:06PM
Someone was advertising a new software product being developed that's supposed to go even one step further than simply slicing, by automatically adding post and hole to register the pieces during final assembly.

it's here in the reprap forums somewhere. I'll dig around and see if I can't find it and post the salient link. Even if it's not ready for prime time, it's exactly where I was thinking for larger assemblies and *was thinking about creating some scripts for in Sketchup, but afaik, their solution works at the slicing stage. (disclaimer, I don't work for em, don't know em, and in the end, don't really care. I just think it's neat and has potential for all the slicing solutions).

EDIT: here it is: File2Part

Again, for the record, I know zip about the company or product. It's just a heads up for printers for what's down the pike and for software authors involved with skeinforge/slic3r/etc... This, if it works, will be something awesome for those of us who want to build larger scale "models" without increasing the print bed size...or even then...

erm...Hold on, just went back to their site for the low down. That feature isn't scheduled for inclusion until next year confused smiley, so software guys...get crackin!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2012 02:29PM by xiando.
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