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z axis doesn't stop on the endstop

Posted by pdesigns 
z axis doesn't stop on the endstop
August 12, 2012 07:17PM

so i have a prusa air, sanguinololu 1.3a with marlin.

on the firsts tests the z axis was the only one moving right, and showing no problems homing.

after i fixed the x and y, now the z does move right(negative down, possitive up) but it does not stop when it hits the endstop.

here is my configurations:

// Uncomment the following line to enable CoreXY kinematics
// #define COREXY

// corse Endstop Settings
//#define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) to disable the endstop pullup resistors

// fine Enstop settings: Individual Pullups. will be ignord if ENDSTOPPULLUPS is defined


// The pullups are needed if you directly connect a mechanical endswitch between the signal and ground pins.
const bool X_ENDSTOPS_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstops.
const bool Y_ENDSTOPS_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstops.
const bool Z_ENDSTOPS_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstops.

// For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1
#define X_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Y_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Z_ENABLE_ON 0
#define E_ENABLE_ON 0 // For all extruders

// Disables axis when it's not being used.
#define DISABLE_X false
#define DISABLE_Y false
#define DISABLE_Z false
#define DISABLE_E false // For all extruders

#define INVERT_X_DIR true // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true
#define INVERT_Y_DIR true // for Mendel set to true, for Orca set to false
#define INVERT_Z_DIR true // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true
#define INVERT_E0_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false
#define INVERT_E1_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false
#define INVERT_E2_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false

// Sets direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN
#define X_HOME_DIR -1
#define Y_HOME_DIR -1
#define Z_HOME_DIR -1

#define min_software_endstops true //If true, axis won't move to coordinates less than HOME_POS.
#define max_software_endstops false //If true, axis won't move to coordinates greater than the defined lengths below.
// Travel limits after homing
#define X_MAX_POS 201
#define X_MIN_POS 0
#define Y_MAX_POS 201
#define Y_MIN_POS 0
#define Z_MAX_POS 100
#define Z_MIN_POS 0


// The position of the homing switches. Use MAX_LENGTH * -0.5 if the center should be 0, 0, 0
#define X_HOME_POS 0
#define Y_HOME_POS 0
#define Z_HOME_POS 0

#define NUM_AXIS 4 // The axis order in all axis related arrays is X, Y, Z, E
#define HOMING_FEEDRATE {50*60, 50*60, 4*60, 0} // set the homing speeds (mm/min)

// default settings

#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {78.7402,78.7402,200*8/3,760*1.1} // default steps per unit for ultimaker
#define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {500, 500, 5, 45} // (mm/sec)
#define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {9000,9000,100,10000} // X, Y, Z, E maximum start speed for accelerated moves. E default values are good for skeinforge 40+, for older versions raise them a lot.

#define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 3000 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for printing moves
#define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION 3000 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for r retracts

#define DEFAULT_XYJERK 20.0 // (mm/sec)
#define DEFAULT_ZJERK 0.4 // (mm/sec)
#define DEFAULT_EJERK 5.0 // (mm/sec)

any idea on solving this issue?
did i mess up some part off the configurations?
Re: z axis doesn't stop on the endstop
August 13, 2012 05:44AM
A first check whould be to look what the endstops report. M119 or M200, depending on the firmware in use.

Generation 7 Electronics Teacup Firmware RepRap DIY
Re: z axis doesn't stop on the endstop
August 13, 2012 01:33PM
i´m using pronterface.

so i did that check:

x_min:L y_min:L z_min:L

what can you tell me off this reading?
Re: z axis doesn't stop on the endstop
August 13, 2012 01:57PM
The min endstops are all returning L (low).
Try depressing the endstops by hand and rerunning the M119, if they are working they should change to H (high)
Re: z axis doesn't stop on the endstop
August 13, 2012 02:05PM
x_min:H y_min:H z_min:L

the z did not return H. is it broke or a configuration problem?
Re: z axis doesn't stop on the endstop
August 13, 2012 02:06PM
pdesigns Wrote:
> x_min:H y_min:H z_min:L
> the z did not return H. is it broke or a
> configuration problem?

Most likely a bad connection to the endstop, since all three should be configured the same in firmware.

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Re: z axis doesn't stop on the endstop
August 13, 2012 02:13PM
ok. i will check up the wiring..

lets see if i can fix this tonight!
Re: z axis doesn't stop on the endstop
August 13, 2012 02:28PM
this problem was solve! tanks for the help.

it was a code problem after all...

i had this:


tanks for the help!

Now off to calibration!!
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