Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost data on McWire, G2 Electronics, and Bootstrap Extruder] July 23, 2008 12:25AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling (more about the McWire than the Seedling in general) July 23, 2008 02:03PM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 184 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling (more about the McWire than the Seedling in general) July 23, 2008 07:13PM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling (more about the McWire than the Seedling in general) July 24, 2008 06:20AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 20 |
Cutting G2 (Arduino-based) Electronics Costs July 25, 2008 03:49AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desc. QtyReq Mouser Sparkfn RRRF Subtotal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arduino (kit $17.50 +$17.50 for usb-serial ): -------------------------------------$21.57 (with $4.49 stripboard) ATMEGA168 Chip (556-ATMEGA168-20PU) 1 4.11 Arduino Breadboard/circuitboard 1 22 AWG wire 1 7805 Voltage regulator (78L05?) 1 0.18 LED 2 0.24 220 Ohm resistors 2 0.20 10 k Ohm resistor 1 0.10 10 uF capacitor 1 0.06 1 uF capacitor 2 0.12 16 MHz clock crystal (ECS-2100AX-16.0MHZ) 1 2.11 22 pF capacitors 2 0.06 small momentary normally open ("off") button 1 0.75 FT232RL [] 1 3.95 28Pin SSOP-DIP Adapter [] 1 3.95 USB Fem. Type B Connector [] 1 1.25 3 Stepper Motor Drivers (kits $84 total): -----------------------------------$90.25 .100 breakaway header 18 2.19 .100 shunt 6 0.90 .156" 4 position housing 3 0.75 .156" crimp-on connector 12 0.96 .156" header 12 2.02 0.5 ohm 2 watt resistor 6 0.84 1 nF ceramic capacitor 6 1.08 100 nF ceramic capacitor 9 1.44 100 uF electrolytic capacitor 6 0.54 100K ohm resistor 3 0.30 2.7K ohm resistor 3 0.30 20 pin DIP socket 3 0.66 22K ohm resistor 3 0.30 2K trimpot 3 2.25 3 pin header 6 1.98 3 pin housing 6 1.32 3.3 nF ceramic capacitor 3 0.24 4 pin molex connector 3 2.52 4.7K ohm resistor 6 0.60 560 ohm resistor 9 0.90 5mm green LED 3 0.36 Bicolor LED 6 2.04 big heat sink 3 1.14 crimp-on terminals 18 1.98 L297 3 27.09 L298N 3 9.75 SB360 24 10.8 Stepper Motor Driver v1.1 PCB 3 15.00 Cat 6 cable Wire 6 feet DC Motor Driver (kit $12): -----------------------------------$11.38 100 nF ceramic capacitor 6 0.96 100 uF electrolytic capacitor 2 0.18 100K ohm resistor 4 0.40 14 pin DIP socket 1 0.19 16 pin DIP socket 1 0.19 4 pin .200" terminal block 1 1.10 4 pin molex connector 1 0.84 560 ohm resistor 3 0.30 5mm green LED 5 0.60 74HC00N 1 0.39 78L05 1 0.18 L293D (b/o; L293NE substituted) 1 3.05 DC Motor Driver v1.1 PCB 1 3.00 Cat 6 cable Wire 2 feet PWM Driver (kit $11): -----------------------------------$ 9.21 100 nF ceramic capacitor 1 0.16 100 uF electrolytic capacitor 1 0.09 1K ohm resistor 3 0.30 1N4005 3 0.18 2 pin .200" connector 3 1.44 4 pin molex connector 1 0.84 560 ohm resistor 4 0.40 5mm green LED 4 0.48 TIP120 3 1.32 PWM Driver v1.1 PCB 1 4.00 Cat 6 cable Wire 2 feet 6 Opto Endstops (kits $18 total): -----------------------------------$13.74 10K ohm resistor 6 0.60 220 ohm resistor 6 0.60 3 pin housing 6 1.32 crimp-on terminals 18 1.98 H21LOI (b/o; H21LOB substituted) 6 6.24 Opto Endstop v1.0 PCB 6 3.00 Temperature Sensor (kit $4): -----------------------------------$ 2.72 .100 breakaway header 3 (w/Stepper motor's header) 10 uF electrolytic capacitor 1 0.06 100K thermistor 1 1.58 2 pin .200" connector 1 0.48 4.7K ohm resistor 1 0.10 zip tie 1 See last zip tie comment. Temperature Sensor v1.1 PCB 1 0.50
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling -- Boarduino needs a USB-to-serial cable (~$20.) July 25, 2008 07:00AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 251 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling -- Boarduino needs a USB-to-serial cable (~$20.) July 25, 2008 08:43AM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 361 |
Apparently, the current firmware is right on the edge of being too big to fit, and some have reported that slight differences in the avr-gcc toolchain lead to sketch-images that are too big to fit current Arduinos
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 25, 2008 09:18AM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 622 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling -- Boarduino needs a USB-to-serial cable (~$20.) July 25, 2008 09:32AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 251 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling -- Boarduino needs a USB-to-serial cable (~$20.) July 25, 2008 12:26PM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 361 |
There are a number of avr chips larger than the atmega168; the alternative I've heard about uses the atmega644p. With the right config files added to the Arduino dev. software, it'll look like another board type (decimilla, lillypad.... with more memory and pins available.) So, this should be compatible at the arduino-sketch level, if not bit-for-bit firmware identical.
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling -- Boarduino needs a USB-to-serial cable (~$20.) July 25, 2008 01:57PM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Anonymous User
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling -- Boarduino needs a USB-to-serial cable (~$20.) July 25, 2008 02:45PM |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling -- Boarduino needs a USB-to-serial cable (~$20.) July 25, 2008 04:39PM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 25, 2008 05:05PM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 622 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 26, 2008 07:33PM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 37 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 27, 2008 05:21AM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 361 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 27, 2008 04:42PM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 622 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 28, 2008 04:33PM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 28, 2008 08:11PM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 370 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 29, 2008 01:18AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 30, 2008 01:04AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Parts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desc. QtyReq ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heated Barrel1 PTFE holder 1 M6 studding barrel 1 Nozzle 1 Nichrome wire 1 JB Weld 1 Barrel Clamp Structure2 1 M3x5cm screws 4 (20cm) M3x10cm screws 4 (40cm) M3 nuts 4 Holder Shaft Holder Structure2 1 M3 nuts 4 Screw/Poly Holder Holder Structure2 1 Cover (Spring) Structure2 1 M6 studding (Drive screw) 1 Half-bearings 2 Bearing springs 2 Biplate Plates2 2 GM3 (Gear Motor 3) 1 M3 nuts 18 M3x20 screws 2 (4cm) 1The thermistor is not included here, as it is part of the Temperature Sensor section of the G2 Electronics. 2These are made of 1/2" plywood scraps left over after building the cartbot (cost thus included in cartbot cost). The combined part list for pricing is: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desc. QtyReq Lowes McMaster RRRF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PTFE holder (# 8803K15) 1 5.33 Nozzle 1 9.88/50 1.50~ Nichrome wire 1 0.60 JB Weld 1 8.34 M6 studding (barrel and drive screw) 1 1.19 M3 threaded rod 64cm 1.43 M3 nuts 36 1.07 Half-bearings (# 94855A115) 2 1.06 Bearing springs (# 9657K59) 2 6.04 GM3 (Gear Motor 3) 1 7.00 ~ Denotes the supplier to be used.Note that for the half bearings, I'll be taking 6-32 square nuts, drilling the center with a 4mm bit, then cutting off half (probably using a file). I'll only reduce the drive screw to 4mm diameter where it rests in the half-bearings, instead of 3mm.
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 30, 2008 04:14AM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 7,881 |
Steel is not the best choice for the heater barrel as it is a poor conductor of heat.Quote
It should also be noted that the M6 studding for the heated barrel and for the drive screw can be cut from the same 1-meter length of steel studding.
They don't need to be precise because you adjust the tension with the nuts, but they do need to be very strong, e.g. 1.5mm x 9mm x 25mm.. I only use two at the bottom and space the pump halves at the top with two or three washers. I got them from the lid hinges of an A3 scanner.Quote
I'll probably just take the springs from some random device, as I don't think they need to be strong/precise.
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 30, 2008 09:12AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost data on McWire, G2 Electronics, and Bootstrap Extruder] July 30, 2008 10:59AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 100 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost cutting data on both McWire and G2 Electronics] July 30, 2008 12:34PM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 7,881 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost data on McWire, G2 Electronics, and Bootstrap Extruder] July 30, 2008 01:32PM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost data on McWire, G2 Electronics, and Bootstrap Extruder] July 30, 2008 04:44PM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 7,881 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost data on McWire, G2 Electronics, and Bootstrap Extruder] July 31, 2008 01:33PM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 204 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost data on McWire, G2 Electronics, and Bootstrap Extruder] July 31, 2008 03:30PM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Re: Cutting costs on the Seedling [Now with cost data on McWire, G2 Electronics, and Bootstrap Extruder] July 31, 2008 04:05PM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 20 |