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Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!

Posted by Idolcrasher 
Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 16, 2012 12:27AM
Repetier V0.7 was just released! (2012/08/11)

I'm a long time fan of this (IMHO) HIGHLY underrated/underused Host Program.

Read About Repetier on the Wiki

You should certainly give it a chance!

Today, punch that other program you use right in its pronter face and try a program that displays your STLs and ToolPaths in 3D!

Repetier GitHub Home


Still love you Print Console winking smiley
Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 16, 2012 03:08AM
I love Repetier host. It's great, I love the full integration of both Slic3r and PyPy-accelerated Skeinforge. The plater and 3D gcode viewer are awesome too.

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Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 16, 2012 05:35AM
I use Repetier host because of the Slic3r integration and the beautiful 3D view. It's great!


Charles S.
Software Engineer
Prusa Mendel I2, RAMPS 1.4, Marlin 1.0 R2, Pronterface, Slic3r
Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 17, 2012 03:17PM
And are you also using the Repetier-firmware ?

I never used it, but I like the idea (and some other features claimed) that you can modify the firmware from the host, like in Mach3 and some other CNC control softwares.

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Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 17, 2012 03:28PM
Emmanuel Wrote:
> And are you also using the Repetier-firmware ?
> I never used it, but I like the idea (and some
> other features claimed) that you can modify the
> firmware from the host, like in Mach3 and some
> other CNC control softwares.

You can update certain exposed values from repetier host if you are using repetier firmware
It's not unlike the M92 etc commands in Marlin, but with a user interface.
The big advantage using repetier host with repetier firmware is, the host sends it's own compact binary format to the target instead of ascii gcode, so it's a little less likely to end up with pauses when the USB connection can't keep up.

I use repetier host on the Mac because I prefer it to pronterface, I have machines running both Marlin and repetier firmware, not sure I have a favorite there.
Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 17, 2012 05:33PM
Love the old version, can't wait to try the new one. I also use repetier firmware.

Thingiverse ID Alan1279
Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 17, 2012 08:39PM
I run Marlin firmware with Repetier host, simply because that's what I've been using for some time. The only time I get pauses in prints over USB, even on highly detailed prints, is when I load the CPU on my computer too heavily.

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Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 17, 2012 08:52PM
I've been using it for a couple of prints and it is exceptional. It had no problem connecting to RAMPS 1.4 + Marlin, and the new GUI is so nice it feels like cheating to use it. Absolutely stunning.


Charles S.
Software Engineer
Prusa Mendel I2, RAMPS 1.4, Marlin 1.0 R2, Pronterface, Slic3r
Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 17, 2012 08:57PM
Lodorenos Wrote:
> I've been using it for a couple of prints and it
> is exceptional. It had no problem connecting to
> RAMPS 1.4 + Marlin, and the new GUI is so nice it
> feels like cheating to use it. Absolutely
> stunning.

Definitely. I remember back when the Java RepRap host was just about the only option, both as host and slicer. eye popping smiley

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Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 18, 2012 07:23AM
i have to say that indeed it looks very nice and i like the integration of slicer, much better done then in pronterface so probably im switching..... there is only one but

as my mini laptop has a resolution of 1024 x 600 the view is a little distorted. is there a way to make everything a little smaller? you can resize the windows a bit but that doesnt make it better viewable.........or move the dialog and the tabs next to eachother that way i would have a much better overview. so all in three collums instead of 2 collums with the dialog underneath it.
Re: Repetier V0.7 Is Out!... And You're Missing Out!
August 21, 2012 06:14PM
Using this all the time now. Keep up the good work developers.
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