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Noob Slicer issues

Posted by tmorris9 
Noob Slicer issues
October 22, 2012 04:07AM
So I have had a AirWolf 3D printer for 2 weeks now (repitier) and using Slic3r & Pronterface (Mac)

Still learning settings. So I used a setting supplied to me by AirWolf 3D and while my prints are getting better and better I have an issue I can't figure out. When the printer switches from an exterior wall to infill it leaves a dimple in the side. Basically when the ends of the outer wall layer meet they don't fully connect and there is a very slight gap (see photos).

I also posted pics of my settings in Slic3r 0.7.2b (recommended by Airwolf, they claim newer ones have issues).

Any ideas?
open | download - Inverting.jpg (45.5 KB)
open | download - inverting2.jpg (39.5 KB)
open | download - Screen shot 2012-10-22 at 12.52.17 AM.jpg (113.8 KB)
open | download - Screen shot 2012-10-22 at 12.52.07 AM.jpg (132.4 KB)
Re: Noob Slicer issues
October 23, 2012 05:26PM

Re: Noob Slicer issues
October 23, 2012 06:10PM
what is the nozzle size physically ?
what is the nozzle size in slic3r?
Re: Noob Slicer issues
October 23, 2012 06:10PM
what kind of hotend as well?
Re: Noob Slicer issues
October 23, 2012 09:12PM
The nozzle is .5mm and that's what it's set for in Slic3r. The hotend I think is called ALEPH LulzBot Budaschnozzle.

It looks like this one
open | download - 6110332704p.jpeg (13.3 KB)
Re: Noob Slicer issues
October 23, 2012 10:23PM
i would try reducing the nozzle size in slic3r, that will make slic3r move the nozzle just that little bit further,

have you got anything to accurately measure your filament?

to what degree have you calibrated the estepspermm?
Re: Noob Slicer issues
October 24, 2012 12:25AM
Nozzle size, that makes sense I will try it. Yes I have calipers so i can measure a piece of the extrusion.

I did not calibrate it, I bought the machine supposedly fully calibrated. I have printed pieces of fairly precise sizes and so far everything is on +/- a few hundredths of an inch over 8" (sorry I don't know metric well but am learning).
Re: Noob Slicer issues
October 24, 2012 01:46AM
i don't think your going to get a very accurate size of the extruded plastic since it tends to swell, if you do do a really slow extrusion at the lowest temperature it will extrude at
Re: Noob Slicer issues
October 24, 2012 03:13AM
So I changed the nozzle to .4 and got slight overlapping instead of a gap, tried 4.7 (what the extrusion measured) and it had a small gap so then tried 4.6 and it seems pretty good. Will have to do more testing when I get some time (darn work gets in the way a lot ;-)

Thanks for the advice, I think this was the issue, might try 4.5 but I think I am pretty close to getting it just right.
Re: Noob Slicer issues
October 24, 2012 04:08AM
I haven't used slicer so much, yet, but i think changing the virtual nozzle diameter also affects the size of the object by that value...just to be aware of for fine tuning.
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