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Midwest 3d Printer Fest

Posted by johnoly99 
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 17, 2013 10:26PM
John, I can't thank you guys enough for putting on a kick-ass event. It was awesome to meet people in person from IRC and here, and it looked like everyone had a great time. I would come back for another one in a heartbeat!
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 17, 2013 10:32PM
And thanks for the Dropcams! It was nice - sitting in my office, working on my machine, glancing up to see what was going on at the MRRF. It was great to see that you had a good turnout! Maybe next year... sad smiley

The pick and place rostock looks fantastic! Also, was that a boardforge next to it?

- akhlut

Just remember - Iterate, Iterate, Iterate!

Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 17, 2013 10:33PM
This was a fantastic show, and I'm really glad I got to come out and visit. Thanks so much for putting it on!!!
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 18, 2013 12:20AM
To all who came out,

Absolutely amazing. Thank you for coming out and having a good time, I think everyone had a good time, and can only imagine what next year will bring.

Yes, we will be doing this next year, for sure! That said, was this a good time of year? Is there a better time?

Thanks everyone
Anonymous User
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 18, 2013 12:24AM
occupy seemecnc.com
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 18, 2013 12:58AM
Thank you all for such a great event! It's nice to finally put faces to all the nicks I've encountered. I had a great time, met some really cool folks and saw some awesome machines. I'm looking forward to next year!
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 18, 2013 07:36AM
To Seemecnc, johnolly99, josefprusa, os1r1s, and everyone involved in MRRF,


It was very intertaining and a great deal of fun. It's really great to see so many different types of printers and modifications at the same time.

Well done, I hope to be there next year as well!

I was there for only 1.5 days, but next year, it will be for the full 3 days. If you didn't get a chance to attend, you really missed out. There more repraps there than Makefaire NYC, almost like dreamland to see so many printing.
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 18, 2013 11:19AM
To John and everyone involved with the MRRF

I just want to thank you for putting on such a great event. I don't remember the last time I met such a wonderful group of people in one place.

thanks to you guys I have already fixed a few problems on my machine I didn't know I had and I ended up making new ones. I guess that's how it goes.
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 18, 2013 03:22PM

That said, was this a good time of year? Is there a better time?

My dad and I were talking on the way home, between this and the various Maker Faires and the big one in NYC in Sept, I think more than 1 MRRF style event a year might be too much. One event is good because then everyone wants to make the effort to attend, even if it does take a 12 hour drive or an overseas plane flight. Part of the "awesome" factor is having lots of reprappers at the same place. With more than one event, each one might have less attendance because people will pick the one closest to them.

It might be worth considering running a SRRF (spring reprap festival) instead of MRRF, and changing the location every year for the sake of variety (and not killing the host!). Thoughts on this?
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 18, 2013 06:45PM
Yeah, once a year makes it an "Event", more than that dilutes it's significance. The timing in March is also good, months away from any major Makerfaires and not much snow to contend with.

I would like to see nametags with RepRap Irc/Forum tags in addition to names. A lot of people were there and rarely do people know the "real" names of others or what they look like.
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 18, 2013 09:43PM
Good stuff guys,

We'll start planning fo rnext year a little sooner than a month or two before hand this time, promise! LOL

So, March IS good, as it's kind of a "kickoff" to all the rest of the years events I think. That, and it's a good gap between pretty much everyone! Some suggestions, like the IRC/RepRap handle are def. good ones. Others I've heard are to have it in a more major city. I like the Chicago area (not cause im close or anything smiling smiley because it's really in the middle of the country, and everyone had to drive somewhat haha.

We'll try and put together some sort of a questionare to take your advice on next years event and mold them into the whole deal.

Thanks again guys,
Re: Midwest 3d Printer Fest
March 18, 2013 11:43PM
Within 20 miles of a major airport would help a lot.
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