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Which software is used?

Posted by rodrigueroland 
Which software is used?
January 02, 2013 06:22AM

Could you tell me which software is used in this video (look at 1:40); [www.youtube.com]
What's the best software for a RepRap Mendel.

Thank you in advance.
Re: Which software is used?
January 02, 2013 07:04AM
Looks like Repetier host. As for best - all depends what you want. I use Repetier to view my GCode before printing but because I am used to and quite familiar with Pronterface, I use that to drive my printer.
Re: Which software is used?
January 02, 2013 07:21AM
Its actually Repsnapper which I thought was abandoned but after seeing this I looked and it is still under development. In the past it did not make the best code but it may have improved.

Check out Cura and Kisslicer

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