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Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko

Posted by Anonymous User 
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 24, 2009 11:15PM
Transparent where possible and avoid the tinted green - it's very dark. You have no idea how much easier it is when you can see through the bits!

Cut the bed on plain MDF, or do it on cardboard and cut your own beds from the cardboard template.

I tend to cut my acrylic parts on clear or red tint. I did one in black which looked really sleek, but was an absolute blinder to put together.

Vik :v)
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 25, 2009 08:05AM
So what is the cost for the laser cut parts with your discount Vik?
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 25, 2009 05:51PM
Last time I did one it was US$331, and knocking off the shipping should save $30 - it used to be $80 but now they're cut in the US as well as NZ. I've a few optimisations in mind and might well get it below $300. Soon they'll be cutting in Europe and I'll get free shipping there too.

Vik :v)
Anonymous User
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 25, 2009 06:00PM
Sorry for the potentially stupid question... How do I go about placing an order with Ponoko for the discounted RR parts? If I make my own account and use the RR designs available on the site, the price comes to over $400.

Thank you,
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 25, 2009 07:18PM
You Paypal me and I'll run it for you. I Promise not to run to the Bahamas with the money!

Vik :v)
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 25, 2009 09:06PM
It's should be lower now (with the special Prime account). $240 ish?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2009 09:17PM by SOI Sentinel.
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 25, 2009 09:39PM
I've yet to see what it actually turns out like - my settings are being fiddled with as I type. I have to allow about 5% or so for moneychanging (wife deals with this stuff - I'm hopeless at it). We have to use an NZ visa card to pay the bill as Ponoko don't take Paypal and I have to pay them in NZ$. Interim currency fluctuations can bite me big time.

Vik :v)
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 25, 2009 11:44PM
That is really weird. The US version is all Paypal. I upgraded to a Premier account so I could set up the store account.
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 26, 2009 12:03AM
Not in New Zealand, even though I have to pay in US$. Visa and Mastercard are the only payment options. I will check to see if there are any hoops to jump through.

Vik :v)
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 27, 2009 12:46AM
I just put up the Acrylic set with 3mm as blue tint, the rest as clear, MDF board. I'm asking $210 + $40 shipping ($250). US shipping only for the moment. Although I think this is shipping from NZ still given those shipping costs. I'm hoping to knock it down to $5 or $10 on June 5. Depends on what they do to change it.

Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 27, 2009 12:59AM
Cool. Now we just need to optimise the design a little to get the cost down to the bare minimum. Lots of round things can be turned into triangular things, and I have a sleeker design for the Z bearing holders that has fewer fancy curves.

I was thinking of taking one of the extruders out, now that there is a separate extruder kit up there.

Vik :v)
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
May 27, 2009 04:41PM
Sounds good. Added the extruder kit now, too.


It's roughly the same cost for cutting time, materials, and shipping on that one.

I wonder if it will make a good difference? Everything is about cut time, so rounding corners may reduce the overall distances that need to be moved, reducing cut times. However, square corners on some items may allow more shared borders, also reducing cut times. Hmmm.

Got my wife interested in the service (Architech going for her masters) so I also have the NZ and US materials catalog being sent over.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2009 04:55PM by SOI Sentinel.
Re: Acrylic RepRap files on Ponoko
June 06, 2009 11:16AM
Ok, the US node is available for printing from. Unfortunately, there's been some changes.

Acrylic lost 4.5mm, gained 4mm
Acrylic lost 8mm, gained 9mm
MDF lost 8mm, gained 6mm (only)
Gained Delrin in 3 and 5mm thicknesses

I have verified free shipping on $100+ orders within the USA from the USA node, however. Orders less are not too bad ($11 for a triple extruder head order for instance).

Right now, I'm waiting on my materials catalog orders from NZ and USA nodes so I can verify thicknesses.

Vik, I haven't gone through the entire build process, how badly will these changes upset the build?
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