Large size heated bed for printing ABS
February 01, 2013 01:39PM
Could anyone recommend a large size (12"x12") heated bed that reaches 110C for printing with ABS plastic?

I have built my own 15"x12" heated bed that is only good for PLA printing at 60C. It has hot zones and cold zones that causes printing problems with large prints.
Re: Large size heated bed for printing ABS
February 01, 2013 03:14PM
I bought two of these and run them on 12V 30A and a relay.

Re: Large size heated bed for printing ABS
February 01, 2013 08:43PM
Thanks for the info davew_tx. I will finally be able to use my Bosh relays for this purpose.

Could you please elaborate on how you connect your automotive relay to the input from Ramps 1.4 and the 12V 30A power supply?
Re: Large size heated bed for printing ABS
February 02, 2013 03:06AM
We actually are out of stock right now but we normally carry a 12x12 silicone rubber heater that draws 20@12v. We are expecting a lot more in shortly. []

Chelsea - QU-BD
Re: Large size heated bed for printing ABS
February 02, 2013 12:31PM
Thanks for the info Chelsea.
How would you connect this 12"x12" rubber bed to RAMPS v1.4 and a relay?
If you can post a circuit diagram, that will be very helpful.
Re: Large size heated bed for printing ABS
February 02, 2013 12:42PM
like this.

those rubber heaters are nice. come with adhesive also.
cheaper than 2 PCB boards.

If you have an aluminum plate, the heat will spread out.
The heat won't spread if the heater is on glass.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2013 12:47PM by davew_tx.
open | download - hbp.jpg (97.7 KB)
Re: Large size heated bed for printing ABS
February 03, 2013 08:38PM
Thanks davew_tx for the circuit diagram confirming the simplified setup.
I assumed that I need to either use a customized signal from ramps or change settings (in Marlin) to lower current in signal to the relay from ramps.
Re: Large size heated bed for printing ABS
February 04, 2013 09:46AM
no customization at all. Just run the relay off RAMPs
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