What 3 things.....
February 21, 2013 02:44AM
I was on the IRC channel and Starno and I got on the topic of where we would like to see the development of 3d printing go. That got me thinking, I wonder what everyone thinks on this subject. Reprap was designed to self-replicate and evolve. I think a lot of work has been done replicating but I feel not enough talk has been done on the evolution. So my question to you is this, how would you like to see Reprap develop/evolve? Please only list your top 3.
Re: What 3 things.....
February 21, 2013 02:52AM
Firmware (especially delta) improvements.

Slicing software improvements innovation.

Host software improvements. Though we've got some pretty cool stuff in the works in this department.
Re: What 3 things.....
February 21, 2013 05:19AM
Electrical Hardware - more ARM variants, capable of delivering higher speeds and feeds

Materials - Recently there has been exciting experimentation in this area

SLA or alternative methods of Additive Prototyping - If we can bring down resin price, I feel this may be the future of the RepRap project - Notable efforts to date are LemonCurry for RepRap and B9Creator for driving the price down (Has B9 published source data yet?!)
Re: What 3 things.....
February 21, 2013 12:06PM
More materials - flexible, conductive, heat-resistant, magnetic, and the ability to switch between different materials and color during a single print, preferably at sub-mm precision

More useful object construction methods - paste deposition, powder sintering, etc.

Printer designs and object build techniques which allow printing a printer that produces better precision than the original one. (Then continue this until at molecular level winking smiley )
Re: What 3 things.....
February 22, 2013 01:40AM
yydoctt Wrote:
> (Has B9 published source data yet?!)

Firmware and software source code is available via www.B9Creator.com (under Documentation)
Working now on manuals and tutorials but plan to post CAD data as soon as time allows.


Re: What 3 things.....
February 22, 2013 03:41AM
B9Creations Wrote:
> yydoctt Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > (Has B9 published source data yet?!)
> Firmware and software source code is available via
> www.B9Creator.com (under Documentation)
> Working now on manuals and tutorials but plan to
> post CAD data as soon as time allows.
> MikeJ
> [fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net]
> nc6/188180_194265957351724_1942503373_q.jpg

Apologies for taking it a bit off topic, but in your campaign you said the following: "Once obligations to supporters are met, I will post all original hardware (CAD) files and software (source code) publically under an open source license."

As I have not backed the campaign I have no right to demand you deliver on that promise... At least you are not claiming it is already open source smiling smiley (besides the software). I am under the impression that you have shipped all kits, but may be mistaken, perhaps you should start a github for the CAD in its current state.
If you were capable of producing multiple units, someone should be able to figure out how to make one with the CAD as it is.
Re: What 3 things.....
February 22, 2013 07:49AM
More degrees of freedom for the hot-end to print on uneven (inclined, conical, spherical,etc. ) surfaces will be a good start for reprap evolution.

Imagine that you have to print on top of an existing material - say an already printed iPhone case or the head of a plastic model (you already have an stl file for that structure/base).
The slicing software creates 2 items. The stand like structure to place the iPhone case so that it does not move, and after the item that gets printed on top of the iPhone case.
The user has to just pause printing after the stand is printed, and place the object and secure it in place (with tape?), then continue printing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2013 07:59AM by peddiparth.
Re: What 3 things.....
February 22, 2013 03:15PM

This sounds a lot like the VoxelJet system's "VX concept" (a powder/binder large-scale continous 3D printer), which uses an inclined binder application mechanism to allow continuous production of 3D models, including the ability (with an integrated conveyer) to print objects far larger than the build volume. VoxelJet is another of 3D Systems' latest acquisitions, and Ford is using their binder/sand casting systems in several new production installations. Their work was seen in the latest Bond movie, as they were able to print out the incredibly expensive car's body for the movie using 3D fabrication full scale. An open source version would be exceptional if it doesn't conflict with VoxelJet's IP.
Re: What 3 things.....
February 22, 2013 03:31PM
My personal top three for RepRap would be:

Scalable build volume (designs for stability and rigidity larger than a foot square)
Alternate fabrication methods (powder binder/sintering, SLA, etc)
Multi-platform software (some of my teachers use Linux, others Windows and it is difficult to give them the same lessons sometimes even though they are mostly using RepRap variants)
Re: What 3 things.....
February 22, 2013 05:11PM
1 - multi printhead, realise its not new, but there arent too many people using 2+ heads, so think this will evolve

2 - mixed colour print head, 1 head fed by 5 or more filament drives would be nice

3 - improved bed surface or heated chamber to allow larger prints without warping.

Software seems to be motoring along, hardware needs to catch up

Re: What 3 things.....
February 23, 2013 12:45AM
Kalani Kirk Hausman Wrote:
> Multi-platform software (some of my teachers use
> Linux, others Windows and it is difficult to give
> them the same lessons sometimes even though they
> are mostly using RepRap variants)

? Pretty much all of our software is cross platform...

And you're writing a book on 3D printing for Dummies?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2013 12:50AM by xclusive585.
Re: What 3 things.....
February 23, 2013 01:22PM
Kalani Kirk Hausman Wrote:
> @peddiparth,
> This sounds a lot like the VoxelJet system's "VX
> concept" (a powder/binder large-scale continous 3D
> printer), which uses an inclined binder
> application mechanism to allow continuous
> production of 3D models, including the ability
> (with an integrated conveyer) to print objects far
> larger than the build volume. VoxelJet is another
> of 3D Systems' latest acquisitions, and Ford is
> using their binder/sand casting systems in several
> new production installations. Their work was seen
> in the latest Bond movie, as they were able to
> print out the incredibly expensive car's body for
> the movie using 3D fabrication full scale. An open
> source version would be exceptional if it doesn't
> conflict with VoxelJet's IP.

"More degrees of freedom for the hot-end to print on uneven (inclined, conical, spherical,etc. ) surfaces will be a good start for reprap evolution.
" -> is a completely different idea than VoxelJet. I am wondering how there can be a conflict with VoxelJet's IP.
Re: What 3 things.....
February 26, 2013 01:48AM
yydoctt Wrote:
> Apologies for taking it a bit off topic, but in
> your campaign you said the following: "Once
> obligations to supporters are met, I will post all
> original hardware (CAD) files and software (source
> code) publically under an open source license."
> As I have not backed the campaign I have no right
> to demand you deliver on that promise...
I am delivering (still) as the software, manuals and tutorials are currently my highest priority, CAD files will come soon. They are all done with Alibre Design, so I plan to convert to something more open.
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