I need help. Weird problem with my extruder.
March 21, 2013 02:38AM

Up until about 2 hours ago It was printing just fine. Now when I try to print anything square it extrudes fine untill the extruder starts workign its way back toward the front of the printer then it stops extruding and the extruders steper motor keeps ticking back and forth. It starts extruding again once it starts going any other direction. I thought maybe i just needed to turn up the pot for the extruder but it didnt help. I then tried printing a round object, it printed fine, im only having problems with square prints.

I have tried it on 2 different computers and 2 different slicers and im still having the same problem.

Re: I need help. Weird problem with my extruder.
March 21, 2013 04:54AM
Looks like when it moves in that direction it is having to pull the filament from the reel, so needs more torque.

Another possibility is an intermittent break in the motor wires.

Re: I need help. Weird problem with my extruder.
March 21, 2013 05:09AM
The filament is on the right side of the machine pulling it to the left. If it were a problem with it pulling the filament I would expect it to not extrude going left on the X axis.

None of the wires are kinked, the one for the extruder stepper motor rubs on the X axis belt but the insulation isnt even worn. I unpluged and repluged in the extruder stepper motor from the printrboard but its still having problems.

I have tried everything I can think of. I'm about to reinstall the firmware, hoping that will fix it.
Re: I need help. Weird problem with my extruder.
March 21, 2013 05:19AM
Its the wire to the extruder stepper motor. If I play with it i can get it to extrude but it stops in other places.

What gauge wire do I need to go buy tomorow to fix this?
Re: I need help. Weird problem with my extruder.
March 21, 2013 05:55AM
hendo420 Wrote:
> Its the wire to the extruder stepper motor. If I
> play with it i can get it to extrude but it stops
> in other places.
> What gauge wire do I need to go buy tomorow to fix
> this?

That sounds like a bad connection, or a broken wire....
Re: I need help. Weird problem with my extruder.
March 21, 2013 06:12AM
My printer came assembled, the extruder stepper motor wire has been rubbing on the X axis belt. Its at this spot in the wire, even tho its not worn, that its losing connection. I reran the wire through the same route that my hot end wires are going. I'm back to printing but I dont trust the extruder stepper motor wires any more.

What gauge wire should I get at ace hardware tomorow to fix it permanently? I'm good at soldering so it should be no prob replacing the wires.
Re: I need help. Weird problem with my extruder.
March 21, 2013 07:01AM
The wires from my RAMPS board to the screw connectors into which I have plugged the motor wires are 24AWG.
This chart has helped me a lot of times to determine the suitable wire size, hope it can also help you.
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