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double x and y axis

Posted by kenshinjeff 
double x and y axis
March 21, 2013 09:28PM
Has anyone tried to double the x and y axis to create larger prints with a reprap? I'm interested to know how I should go about doing it. I have thought of the following and it would be cool if someone else could correct me where I'm wrong.

Requirements: Double x and y axis.

- Theoratically I would not print more than 150mm for z size so that shoud make it easier (?) to design.
- Increase print bed size with 4 x heated bed + 1 large piece of glass
- Increase bearings and threaded rods from lm8uu to 10? 12? To make sure the rods don't bend due to the extruder weight and it's own weight?
- Is there a need to use a stronger stepper motor? A servo perhaps? Does marlin take care of this?
- To ensure 90 deg, I should use a rigid structure like aluminium extrusions instead of triangle rod. Which reprap variation model would be easy for me to "expand"?
Re: double x and y axis
March 22, 2013 08:47AM
With a moving bed 4x the size of an ordinary size Mendel, All your accelerations will have to be 1/4 what they are for an ordinary Mendel. That will result in a big speed hit. You might prefer the results of scaling up something like Tantillus.
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