Re: Awesome new 3D Printer - J-Rev
April 08, 2013 04:13AM
The form1 machine would be capable of producing an Eiffel tower. Its a stereo lithography machine. It could easily be produced in two parts.

Kickstarter rules forbid renders or photoshop images to advertise a product. You must demonstrate a working version of the item doing what you claim. It seems that Japica didn't even read kickstarter rules.

I guess Kickstarter got "Japicad" as well!

Helium Frog Website
Re: Awesome new 3D Printer - J-Rev
April 09, 2013 12:35AM
Some of the comments here, just leave me speechless.

a) I feel bad for anyone who put any money into this, at least they get it back though.

b) If this design is so great, where's the proof? Not one damn pic of a print? Just a far fetched story? Running a business with no backups? (that makes me comfortable to give money.... NOT), just puffs of smoke, and rendered images. And even a few people that were wowed by these renderings... Unbelievable.

c) You make your way in this game by proving your machine, not just running your mouth. Japaica people, design a working printer, show it off, prove it's a good design, and you will get your following. It's that simple.
Re: Awesome new 3D Printer - J-Rev
April 09, 2013 11:49AM
Im confused why do those comments make you speechless.
Re: Awesome new 3D Printer - J-Rev
May 29, 2013 06:23AM
Tesla3D Wrote:
> trying to make up your owns facts to
> fit your own profile of Japica.

well, hi.

i got japicad.
you can read the sad story of my first steps in the world of 3D-prinitng on my Thingiverse-account. there you can find a lil vid of the bot Benjamin McDaniel has sent. actually, i was impressed of the concept and design because it differs to the common printers like Makerbot or Ultimaker or PrintRBot. but UNFORTUNATELY I didnt receive a working and tested maschine, in fact, there were no firmware at all on the Arduino. i could need help though!

but to defense McDaniel (i am not talking about the J-Rev but about their previous concept) you can find on Benjamins Youtube-account pretty nice printers up and running. well, it must have taken month to develop it. and on the videos of it, they do run smoot and nicely. i wish mine would print too (it had, see below). if you are interested in what i think, just read the story on Thingiverse. i do not get it, why they have needed to bring up a fresh concept, when their invention before has worked that well.

with my poor english i try to explain my troubles in this post here and i would be glad, if you guys could help me out. even i thought, i had have done enough research, the firmware some computerguys of my town has put on is gone because i felt competent enough to bring my own configuration.h on the board. now nothing works anymore, i couldnt connect with pronterface anymore.

seems to, i didnt learn enough. please help me to fill my gaps.
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