April 13, 2013 08:27PM
Does anyone know of a good calibration guide for the MendelMax 1.5? I finally have mine running but the z axis is not moving enough to lay down the proper height . I have .3 for resolution in slicr3 but the machine is barely giving me about .1

Re: Calibration
April 13, 2013 08:59PM
Are you measuring just the first layer being printed or multiple?

If Z is not moving the distance you tell it. Might be the incorrect steps per mm for Z.
What type of leadscrew are you using?
Re: Calibration
April 13, 2013 09:05PM
I have all of the steps needed for the leadscrew already calculated. I do not know how to change them or where to change them. I am very confused about this. It should be a simple matter as it is with my later cutter. But there is much more involved with the printer, I am afraid.

Re: Calibration
April 14, 2013 11:15PM
I dont know what firmware you are using but I used this video when I calibrated mine.

Re: Calibration
January 15, 2014 07:29PM
I'm on the same boat mondo50m. the Z axis not moving and X axis move when it fill like moving and is the same for the Y axis.

using ramps 1.4 with lcd connected to it and merlin for firmware but not to familiar with it.

Keep up we can do it.

Do you mind putting some photos of your printer?


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