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filament squiggly

Posted by tivkin 
filament squiggly
July 23, 2013 12:07PM
I'm getting curly layers. It looks like the swirl on the top of a Hostess Cupcake on the edge of the print. confused smiley
What setting should I tweak to smooth out the extrusion?
Re: filament squiggly
July 23, 2013 01:59PM
I would make sure it is not a hardware issue before you start messing around with the firmware. So, If you are using a machine with two z axis motors make sure the x ends are at the same level. Then make sure your bed is level to your hotend. Then If that does not help make sure your Z axis is properly calibrated so when you send the command to go up 10 mm it goes up 10 mm. I used this video z axis calibration. If that does not work then it might be something with the E steps.

- Cameron
Re: filament squiggly
July 23, 2013 04:41PM
It generally means you are trying to extrude filament paths bigger than the nozzle allows.

Re: filament squiggly
July 24, 2013 09:11AM
I'm using Marlin, Pronterface and Skeinforge. I have a J-Head Mark IV, which I've learned is a .35 diameter. I took all the defaults for initial install and now I'm looking for where I change the nozzle diameter?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2013 09:15AM by tivkin.
Re: filament squiggly
July 24, 2013 04:13PM
Nozzle size is set in the slicer software. In your case I skeinforge. That combined with making sure your E steps are right in your frimware should mostly address nophead's concern. If it's still not right, cameronm has some good tips for you. It won't work right unless both concerns are addressed though.

Incase you haven't been through it, here is a link to the calibration guide. You really do need to do this stuff before trying to print. You will just waste plastic and in some cases actually damange your printer otherwise.
Re: filament squiggly
July 24, 2013 04:43PM
Don't forget layer height vs. width / height ratio.
If you're extruding spaghetti that's as tall or close to as tall as your nozzle diameter, that won't work (for obvious reasons - the filament has to get smooshed down on the bed / previous layer).
Re: filament squiggly
July 24, 2013 04:59PM
orcinus Wrote:
> Don't forget layer height vs. width / height
> ratio.
> If you're extruding spaghetti that's as tall or
> close to as tall as your nozzle diameter, that
> won't work (for obvious reasons - the filament has
> to get smooshed down on the bed / previous layer).

:p you had to go there. I just let Slic3r do that for me. I was trying not to complicate it any more. I wish they would just change that setting name and it's use to Layer Width.
Re: filament squiggly
July 24, 2013 08:11PM
appdev007 Wrote:
> more. I wish they would just change that setting
> name and it's use to Layer Width.

They did. It's called KISSlicer winking smiley
Re: filament squiggly
July 27, 2013 09:14PM
I agree kisslicer is the best slicer I've used
Re: filament squiggly
July 28, 2013 08:21AM
Thanks all for the advice. I've run the calibration tests a number of times and have the correct amount of filament feed now. I also changed the settings in Skeinforge to correct the extruder diameter. Prints are much better.
New Android Print

I still think I can improve the print 10-15% if I can tweak the settings to smooth out the flow of filament a little more.
Skeinforge has a ton of settings!
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