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CopperRap progress

Posted by philwaud 
CopperRap progress
May 27, 2009 03:33PM
Well after a couple of days "playing" as my wife lovingly calls it, CopperRap is now almost alive!

You can see the details here:-

I know that there will be many problems to solve but at least Ive made a start. Id really welcome any suggestions and comments!

Re: CopperRap progress
May 27, 2009 05:40PM
Nice start.

I've finally admitted to my wife that it is "playing". However, at least I can point out that my toys are cheaper than her toys (Oboe £250, Piano £2500).

However, hers make nicer noises...

Reprapping blog and other rants: [renoirsrants.blogspot.com]
My Reprap: [sites.google.com]
Re: CopperRap progress
May 28, 2009 03:11AM
DaveR Wrote:
> However, hers make nicer noises...

... why? - look here: [blog.makerbot.com] - let's make some more 'harmonics' with the stepper-hum spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: CopperRap progress
May 28, 2009 03:16AM
Really appreciate the comments, thanks.

The idea of using a double nut with a spring inbetween is a good one, will look at that.

Im going to get the electronics and software up and running before I tackle any fine tuning. I can see the drawer runners being replaced by something more sophisticated at some stage and then maybe jump up to a full reprap?

Re: CopperRap progress
May 28, 2009 03:54AM
Hi Phil,

... look here: - [forums.reprap.org] - at the images of my first post for some ideas regarding simplified linear drives ...

Re: CopperRap progress
May 28, 2009 11:52AM
And now we have electronics!

Ive lashed together a stepper controller, not bad as it only cost 16 UKP in parts!

Next stage is to fix it up to an Arduino and see if it all works!

More details at:-

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