Tech Forecast for 3D Printing - The Homemade mAcrochip September 06, 2013 06:09PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 1 |
Re: Tech Forecast for 3D Printing - The Homemade mAcrochip September 06, 2013 06:50PM |
Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 174 |
Re: Tech Forecast for 3D Printing - The Homemade mAcrochip September 07, 2013 01:55AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,592 |
Re: Tech Forecast for 3D Printing - The Homemade mAcrochip September 07, 2013 05:39AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,236 |
Re: Tech Forecast for 3D Printing - The Homemade mAcrochip September 07, 2013 05:44AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 406 |
Re: Tech Forecast for 3D Printing - The Homemade mAcrochip September 07, 2013 01:58PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 730 |
What is the point?
Will Stevens
There is the practical goal of making a cheap, autonomous, and versatile personal manufacturing system. If that is the objective then the number of vitamin parts and the complexity of the machine and its control system are irrelevant unless they affect the price and performance of the machine, and the range of people who have access to it.
The self-replicating or closed-cycle manufacturing system goal is a separate one (but with some overlaps in the realisation), which may or may not turn out to be feasible or useful, but I find it interesting from a pure science perspective regardless of whether it is useful or not. For this goal, the number of vitamin parts, and the complexity of construction of both the mechanical part of the machine and the control system are fundamental considerations. There are reprappers who are interested in one or the other or both of these goals (I'm interested in both).