Hey printer commanders,
Im getting now better and better prints these days but there is one issue which stays the same. My top layers are not solid.
Its not that there are irregularities or the extruder stutters it just doesnt fill correctly.
As you can see here the pattern is regular but one could almost fit a complete line of filament between the existing lines.
I already recalibrated the axis and E-steps, my default extrusion width is 200% (of a 0.3mm layerheight), the toplayer width is up to 250% and i have an extrusion multiplier of 1,1. with this I should have more then enough filament coming out.
I played around with the width settings but it didnt really change.
I had the idea that maybe the bed calibration wasn´t good enough (although my first layer sticks very well) because I dont see the filament squished down. It just lays there as if it would fall to deep to be pressed flat by the nozzle.
and then I saw this. The first of the solid toplayers is sliced much finer than the actual last and final toplayer. I varied the amout of top layers but the first layer is always finer than the last.
How can this happen???