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Do you measure your test prints hot or cold?

Posted by jzatopa 
Do you measure your test prints hot or cold?
November 05, 2013 02:02PM
I'm curious if you guys measure your test print when they are still hot/warm on the bed or do you let them cool 100% before measuring? When printing ABS there is shrinkage of the part once it's cooled. I would think that you want your final part to come out to the right dimensions when cooled but that would mean that you would have to calibrate your printer to print just a slightly bit larger.
Re: Do you measure your test prints hot or cold?
November 05, 2013 04:44PM
Just scale the model up by 1.02-1.05 before slicing.
Re: Do you measure your test prints hot or cold?
November 05, 2013 05:12PM
i wait until cool. after all the part in real world use is not heated up again correct?

also i measure parts when taken off of the bed.
Re: Do you measure your test prints hot or cold?
November 05, 2013 10:17PM
I'm curious if you guys measure your test print when they are still hot/warm on the bed or do you let them cool 100% before measuring? When printing ABS there is shrinkage of the part once it's cooled. I would think that you want your final part to come out to the right dimensions when cooled but that would mean that you would have to calibrate your printer to print just a slightly bit larger.

I found that's exactly what Lulzbot does with its printers. [forum.lulzbot.com]
Re: Do you measure your test prints hot or cold?
November 06, 2013 02:08PM
That would be a nice feature for a slicer's filament calibration. I never remember to scale my stl files.
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