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Plug and play power supply

Posted by gcolbourn 
Plug and play power supply
December 13, 2013 06:36AM
Hi, I'm trying to source power supplies for Prusa i3 kits. It seems as though it's a choice between a 12V supply that would need a mains plug wiring to it, or an ATX, which needs some additional wiring to short out the 24 pin connector. What I want to know is - are there any plug and play, off the shelf power solutions available anywhere? It would be great to be able to bulk buy some power supplies and not have to worry about having to modify them for use in RepRaps (or leaving it up to the buyer of the kit to modify).
Re: Plug and play power supply
December 13, 2013 06:46AM
there are some 180watt 19v power brick supplies built by HP these are actually quite good and are starting to be used by some of the more recent laptops, you can find them on aliexpress, just bear in mind though it's somtimes worth buying them locally at higher price because of some the suppliers in china aren't very reliable when it comes to these things

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