EndStops dont work with Marlin
January 25, 2014 03:41PM

I am trying to upgrade my Ramps 1.4 to Marlin. Right now on Sprinter everything works absolutely fine, but when I switch to Marlin the endstops no longer work!

Any idea what the problem could be?

I've attached my marlin file.

open | download - Marlin.ino (1.4 KB)
Re: EndStops dont work with Marlin
January 25, 2014 05:56PM
you will need to attach the configuration.h file and the pins.h file.

it is likely that the end stops are not wired correctly. some one will help you out!
Re: EndStops dont work with Marlin
January 25, 2014 08:15PM
as with all end stop issues. Use m119 to display the endstop status

Then trigger the endstop and recheck with m119

This will show if they aren’t working at all or are inverted etc.

Also what sort of end stops? Mechanical or optical or magnetic ?
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