Re: Predatory Profit Margins January 31, 2014 07:54PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 162 |
Anonymous User
Re: Predatory Profit Margins January 31, 2014 08:12PM |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins January 31, 2014 08:20PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 162 |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins January 31, 2014 08:20PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 205 |
Anonymous User
Re: Predatory Profit Margins January 31, 2014 08:31PM |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins January 31, 2014 10:13PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 553 |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 01, 2014 07:58PM |
Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 800 |
I don't disagree that the part from lulzbot is pretty expensive. But what you're asking for is the market to have a morality, when in fact there isn't. If people are willing to pay lulzbot $24 to make that part (as opposed to making it themselves or buying it somewhere else), the lulzbot is not doing anything wrong.
The pricing isn't predatory. I can choose not to buy that item, just like I can choose not to buy a $2500 laptop from Apple.
Anonymous User
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 01, 2014 08:37PM |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 01:09AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 210 |
Apples and oranges my friend. Get it? Apples? Come on, that was a good one. Anyway your comparing a notoriously closed source product to an open source one.
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 01:19AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 301 |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 03:03AM |
Admin Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,063 |
Why do you call your hotend design a j-head lite?
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 07:58AM |
Admin Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 2,569 |
Anonymous User
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 12:07PM |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 02:47PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 9 |
I said that the Chinese lack innovation and out-of-the-box thinking because they live in a repressive society, not that their prices are too low. So suck frog legs.
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 02:58PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 560 |
Anonymous User
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 04:03PM |
but there's probably no telling you, you do after all live on the bible belt.
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 05:46PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 9 |
but there's probably no telling you, you do after all live on the bible belt.
First off, Ohio is a blue collar state, not part of the bible belt and I'm a non practicing catholic.
Second, The free market is the only saving grace of China, and I respect them for their business model.
Third, January is a crappy month for everybody, except the southern hemisphere, where winter is summer.
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 06:18PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 661 |
Anonymous User
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 06:28PM |
the sooner the American English and Australian economies hit hyperinflation and collapse in a big mess the better what the free market bs has done to this planet and the human race makes hitler and sadam look like angels by comparison.
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 07:14PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 9 |
the sooner the American English and Australian economies hit hyperinflation and collapse in a big mess the better what the free market bs has done to this planet and the human race makes hitler and sadam look like angels by comparison.
I have no idea what you're talking about. China has better living standards today because of capitalism. What Hitler and Saddam have to do with anything, I don't know.
This has gone off on a tangent. The bottom line is second generation open source (generic) products should be cheaper. Just like the pharmaceutical industry. And don't take this on another tangent about health care or anything else. That's the only point I'm trying to make.
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 02, 2014 09:37PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 132 |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 03, 2014 12:26AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 9 |
The price of an item includes material cost, overhead, labor, cost of R&D (IP) and profit. What percentage of the sale of each item should be allocated to recovering the cost of the IP? What percentage do you think should be taken as profit? Keeping in mind that profit also goes to reinvesting in tools, additional labor, and other costs associated with growing the business. If 10% goes to IP, then the 2nd gen thing should cost 10% less. So for a given product you have in mind, what was the cost to the original developer? How many sales should that cost be spread across, making how much of a discount per item?
The original price set by the original developer sets a precedent for market price. Maybe that person was a one-man shop, and the online store selling the same thing has additional expenses requiring a higher price, and they aren't even including the R&D they didn't have to do?
What actual thing out there has you mad because it is over priced, and how much less do you think it should be? What percentage of the margin above labor material and overhead is represented by IP? If we shouldn't price according to market, then what margin is everyone's right, and what margin is too much, and why?
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 03, 2014 09:41AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 553 |
he's got a bee in his bonnet about Lulzbot and them charging what they are for nozzles, so he's on this hell bent campaign of trolling trying to play the world price police for opensource projects
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 03, 2014 09:46AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 560 |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 03, 2014 11:34AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 809 |
China has better living standards today because of capitalism.
Anonymous User
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 03, 2014 11:36AM |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 03, 2014 11:48AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 537 |
Why do you call your hotend design a j-head lite?
there is a bit of irony there... i wonder what it weighs
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 03, 2014 03:54PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 661 |
A yes my evil plan to put lolzbot out of business, by comparing nozzles to drywall screws. And I would have gotten away with it to, if not for those meddling kids! Although I have declared vendetta on lolzbot, they're not the only offenders. This is a broader statement about the industry as a whole. It's like selling pet rocks. You take something dirt cheap (literally) and sell it for ridiculous profit margins to people that don't know any better. It's irresponsible.
Anonymous User
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 03, 2014 06:35PM |
Re: Predatory Profit Margins February 03, 2014 06:57PM |
Admin Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,063 |
That being said, if a distributor can't sell a product for a reasonable amount of money, even with the "intangibles," which I thought was another word for "not real," then the distributor shouldn't sell said product. It's an embarrassment to me, as an American machinist, that they would sell a product for such a ridiculous amount. Like, come on guys, your charging what? It gives us a bad reputation in the world to overcharge like that.