Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 26, 2014 05:38PM
Does anyone have a source for cables that will allow me to extend my LCD further from my Rambo board?

WWW.ZATOPA.COM - Your Place for high quality 3D Printing Filament and accessories
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 26, 2014 07:42PM
Generally cables longer than 250 to 300mm cannot be used for the LCD. Longer than that and problems with interference start to crop up. How long of cables do you need? You may be able to get away with using shielded cable for longer lengths.

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Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 26, 2014 07:55PM
You need a pair of DB9 - DB9 Serial header cables.Two [www.ebay.com] for example would work just fine assuming you keep it away from electrical interferance or shield it. I'm running that exact set of cables on my printer with a RAMPS 1.4 board. It seems to work fine.
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 26, 2014 09:20PM
any old computer shop would likely have them around as well. you can also get a old 40pin ide connector and strip away the excess wires, then hook up the ends with the db9 comm connectors.
Anonymous User
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 26, 2014 09:56PM
Radio Shack has pretty much everything your looking for, without having to pay for shipping.
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 27, 2014 02:54AM
They are easy to build. Ribbon cable and snapping connectors and you are good to go. Keep them as short as possible and you should be ok for a printer LCD . The Radio Shack stores around here aren't very well stocked wih those sorts of parts. It's hit and miss. Mouser and Didkey use USPS so I can get anything I need in a day or two for not much more than the cost of the gas to go get it. The Shack is trying to expand to being a maker supply but in my area they aren't there yet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2014 02:55AM by vegasloki.
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 27, 2014 09:43AM
Hey zatopa, how long you need? I think I have some sets from the way back when they used to shop with two sets, one long and one short set. Shoot me an email, and lemme know the length.
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 27, 2014 05:20PM
You need a pair of DB9 - DB9 Serial header cables.Two [www.ebay.com] for example would work just fine assuming you keep it away from electrical interferance or shield it. I'm running that exact set of cables on my printer with a RAMPS 1.4 board. It seems to work fine.

I need a way to extend the cables roughly 40". I ended up swinging by Frys and mistakenly buying DB9 serial cables, thinking they would work. They obviously will not. The cables shouldn't be near anything that might emit EMI so I am hoping that once I have the right cables it will work.

Thanks for the offer John, I'll drop you an email.

WWW.ZATOPA.COM - Your Place for high quality 3D Printing Filament and accessories
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 28, 2014 12:12AM
i think 40 inches is pushing it. i recommend to people keep the length below 6 inches, but it sometimes works as long as 18 inches. the issue with it being longer is the slew rate of the clock signal from capacitance and inductance features of the wire cause the clock to be over 90deg out of phase with the signal, causing signal loss, and data corruption is almost certain!

at the very best you will need to slow down your spi clock, likely to 500khz, or slower.

if you had a display that was i2c, it would work ok, because of the way the signal processes. you could also move your arduino board over 40 inches.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2014 12:14AM by jamesdanielv.
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
February 28, 2014 01:37AM
In this case I have no other option, otherwise I would move the rambo. I guess I could try to get something like this (http://www.panucatt.com/product_p/vikilcd.htm) to work but I really don't want to spend $75 just to get this to work.

WWW.ZATOPA.COM - Your Place for high quality 3D Printing Filament and accessories
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
June 04, 2014 12:49AM
I am building Mini Kossel , I mount the 2560 + ramps on the top and I need to place the LCD at the bottom. The orginal 30cm cable is not long enough.
So , I just find a factory to tailor made a shielded round cable for FC-10P , it work very fine with my Ramps LCD.

Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
June 06, 2014 01:37PM
Picbus, thanks for the link, I just put my order in.

WWW.ZATOPA.COM - Your Place for high quality 3D Printing Filament and accessories
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
June 06, 2014 01:58PM
Great looking set of cables, ordered one myself!

I use to have a ton of problems with the smart controller even with just 6" cables. Printer would randomly go idle, not home correctly, motion would get screwed up and various other issues. I bought some ferrite covers/beads and put 2 on each cable and I haven't had any problems yet but I would like to move the LCD to the bottom of my Kossel so these look like they will work great.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2014 02:00PM by tjb1.
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
June 18, 2014 02:45AM
Picbus, thanks for the link, I just put my order in.

James , I think you should already received the cable , did you test it ?
I just try to ask factory to tailor made another version of cable , try to combine two cable into one.
That mean one cable (20 wire inside) and then split out two FC-10pin connector.

Kevin Lo
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
June 18, 2014 07:50AM
I got mine the other day but I have no time to test yet and will probably wait until I receive the new display before I try it. Looks great though!
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
June 18, 2014 09:42PM
I did get them but I haven't had a chance to test them. I may get around to it in the next day or so.

WWW.ZATOPA.COM - Your Place for high quality 3D Printing Filament and accessories
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
July 07, 2015 07:23AM
How can i slow down your spi clock to 500khz because i have a ribbon cable 1 meter long
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
July 09, 2015 09:34PM
Just an FYI, the cables I bought work fine at their length.

WWW.ZATOPA.COM - Your Place for high quality 3D Printing Filament and accessories
Re: Where can I find Ramps/Rambo LCD extension cables?
November 04, 2016 02:29AM
Is it hard to change the connecters on the ends?

Thanks in advance.
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