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LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up

Posted by gilsah 
LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 26, 2014 06:59PM
Hello all! I'm having heat bead issues. It takes about 5 min before it will start to heat. The LED on the board and LED #4 on ramps blink at the same time but not always in the same pattern. Also it will drop about 30 degrees before it starts to heat up again? I have good power supply so I'm thinking it might be in sprinter. Any ideas would be great.
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 26, 2014 07:09PM
Ill ask the dumb newb question since i am one smiling smiley ...

What are you using the heat the bed. Where is it plugged into the ramps board at ?
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 26, 2014 07:13PM
D8 on the pos. and neg.
D9 is fan
D10 is hotend heater

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2014 07:14PM by gilsah.
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 26, 2014 07:53PM
It takes about 5 min before it will start to heat.

You mean that you see no temperature change for 5 minutes after you send the command for the bed to heat?

The LED on the board and LED #4 on ramps blink at the same time but not always in the same pattern.

How can they blink at the same time but not blink in the same pattern? Also, they should not blink at all with Sprinter when heating up because I do not believe that Sprinter supports PWM for the heated bed. The only time the LED should turn on and off is while the bed is oscillating around the set temperature, and it shouldn't blink very often then.

Also it will drop about 30 degrees before it starts to heat up again?

Do you mean that the bed eventually heats up to the proper temperature, then drops by 30 degrees before heating up again?

I have good power supply so I'm thinking it might be in sprinter.

What voltage do you measure at the bed when it is heating up? What is the resistance of your heated bed?

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Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 26, 2014 08:28PM
You mean that you see no temperature change for 5 minutes after you send the command for the bed to heat? Correct. There is no voltage going to the bed

How can they blink at the same time but not blink in the same pattern? It's always the same time just not always the same pattern. As in the times it blinks changes every so often.

Do you mean that the bed eventually heats up to the proper temperature, then drops by 30 degrees before heating up again? Yes!

What voltage do you measure at the bed when it is heating up? 13.9
What is the resistance of your heated bed? I can't say right now have no way to measure that. It is a mk2b I ordered online
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 26, 2014 09:13PM
It's odd that you don't see any voltage going to the bed for 5 minutes after you command the bed to heat. And at 13.9V the bed should heat fairly rapidly, assuming the PCB was manufactured correctly. Do you have terminals 2 and 3 of the bed tied together?

Can you attach your Configuration.h file here for us to look at? Upload it as an attachment please, don't copy and paste the text into your reply.

You can also try a more modern firmware, such as Marlin or Repetier.

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Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 26, 2014 10:10PM
yes 2 and 3 go to ground.
open | download - Sprinter.h (4.6 KB)
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 26, 2014 10:11PM
and looking in the wiki I thought sprinter was the newest firmware?
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 27, 2014 03:41AM
That's not configuration.h you posted...

When you switch the bed on, the LED on Ramps will illuminate (after about 3 secs) and stay on solid until temp is reached. It should not blink until then. Also, LED 4 is the hotend light not the heat bed. The heated bed uses LED2. Are you sure you are wired correctly?

Waitaki 3D Printer
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 27, 2014 10:25AM
Lol I will repost configuration.h when I get home. It was way past my bed time.
As for the wiring I have checked over and over. It's wired up right next to the power. And from thinking about it I don't remember ever seeing a LED for the hot end coming on or off.
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 27, 2014 05:48PM
ok here is the configuration.h file
open | download - Configuration.h (17.6 KB)
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 27, 2014 07:06PM
Sprinter does not have PWM capability for the heated bed, which means that it should either be on or off, and the LED for the bed should be steady (not blinking). waitaki is correct that LED4 is for the hot end, and LED2 is for the heated bed. Are you sure that it's LED4 that comes on when you command the bed to heat?

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Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 27, 2014 09:18PM
Yes led 4
open | download - image.jpg (188.1 KB)
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 27, 2014 11:04PM
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 27, 2014 11:31PM
That is LED2 that is blinking. It's possible that your board is modified from the original RAMPS 1.4 design, or is simply labeled incorrectly if that LED is indeed labeled as 4. Where did you buy your electronics from?

Are either of the poly fuses getting hot? (Big flat yellow things pictured here: [reprap.org] )

The most modern firmwares for 8-bit Arduino controllers (like the Arduino Mega used with RAMPS) are Repetier (try the new configuration tool on that page) and Marlin. Sprinter hasn't been updated in a couple of years.

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Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
February 27, 2014 11:47PM
I will look more tomorrow but the smaller fuse is warm. The bigger one is not
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
March 01, 2014 11:14PM
Ok I think I've lost 1/2 my hair today and the rest turned gray!! So I switched to mirlin firmware. And repetier after all day calibrating and running tests I think I figured out that it don't matter if you are extruding 20mm when you call for 20mm it's how the print looks. So while trying to change the settings I got a heat bed error saying it was over temp! Now it will not show a temp at all just 0c so I moved it to the extruder temp sensor and it shows proper temp so thermistor is good but now I'm at loss again.

Oh and still had the led #4 doing same thing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2014 11:16PM by gilsah.
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
March 03, 2014 09:24AM
Ok I think I've lost 1/2 my hair today and the rest turned gray!! So I switched to mirlin firmware. And repetier after all day calibrating and running tests I think I figured out that it don't matter if you are extruding 20mm when you call for 20mm it's how the print looks. So while trying to change the settings I got a heat bed error saying it was over temp! Now it will not show a temp at all just 0c so I moved it to the extruder temp sensor and it shows proper temp so thermistor is good but now I'm at loss again.

Oh and still had the led #4 doing same thing.

If you want anything to come out how it is modeled, it does matter that 20mm extrusion = 20mm pushed through extruder. That coupled with correct extrusion width is what makes the parts come out to size. If you just want a toy that makes pretty things then don't worry about it.

Max temp error can come from either too high a temp or thermistor failure.
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
March 03, 2014 11:00PM
Well I found out I have a bad arduino!! The analog pins do not read correctly. I have anew one on order but wow did I learn figuring that out. Thank you all for the help.
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
March 18, 2014 09:24PM
OK I have finally Replaced the ramps and arduino and also the heat bead. Still the same issue.....I have also been trying to auto tune the PID for the bed. it failed as soon as the temp hits 110 but my max temp for the bed is set to 150? So I don't know why it will not pass the 110 mark. This is the code I type in to run the auto tune M303 E-1 C8 S90 I know Im missing something just don't know what.
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
March 18, 2014 09:45PM
They give errors for a reason...what was the error?
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
March 18, 2014 09:47PM
PID Failed ! Temp too high
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
March 18, 2014 09:55PM
OK I've tried M303 E-1 C8 S85 and when it hit 105 it failed saying it was too high again.
Re: LED #4 on ramps 1.4 and very long wait time for heat bead to start up
March 18, 2014 10:20PM
my new configuration.h file
open | download - Configuration.h (30.6 KB)
open | download - image.jpg (341.3 KB)
open | download - image.jpg (389.3 KB)
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