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Hey, new to 3D printing have a electronics question?

Posted by metsj373 
Hey, new to 3D printing have a electronics question?
March 01, 2014 08:54PM
I am looking to buy RAMPS 1.4 board, does anyone know a good reliable site to purchase off of? I am looking through alot of vendors but struggling to decide which will give me the best deal. Thanks
Re: Hey, new to 3D printing have a electronics question?
March 01, 2014 11:17PM
[www.reprapdiscount.com] is a good choice. Chinese made, but generally good quality and super fast shipping.

Or get one from the designer: [ultimachine.com] A bit more expensive, but US-made and always high quality.

I have ordered from both companies, and not been disappointed with either.

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Re: Hey, new to 3D printing have a electronics question?
March 02, 2014 09:07AM
I have purchased all three of my ramps board from www.makerfarm.com. fast shipping and excellent support from Colin.
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