“Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 05, 2014 09:10PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
...The one thing that I'm not necessarily the most stoked about, or rather that I have questions about and would love to hear some conversation on, is that the melt zone length is pre-determined, and it is whatever it is. With this hot end, you can't lengthen the melt zone if desired...
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 05, 2014 09:27PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 99 |
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 05, 2014 09:41PM |
Admin Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 1,470 |
(emphasis mine)Quote
Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design.
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Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 05, 2014 09:48PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 553 |
Anonymous User
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 05, 2014 09:54PM |
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 05, 2014 10:48PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
Looks pretty neat.
What is the cost going to be?
First off, and I want to get this out of the way because someone will inevitably bring it up, is that CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 is not an open source hardware license. See: [freedomdefined.org]
Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design.
(emphasis mine)
Besides that without a patent, you can't enforce the NC aspect of your license on a hardware design. The Creative Commons licenses are copyright licenses, which do not apply to hardware and mechanical designs.
Still, this is a very cool design, and I like the adjustability and compactness of it.
Is there a performance advantage to being able to adjust the zones? What zones settings did you do those test prints at?
I like this design a little bit. The adjustable heater block is a nice feature. The stainless steel nozzle could lead to some problems, as it did with the Prusa hot end. The aluminum radiator looks like the aluhotend from JGR. I'm interested in where the ptfe liner stops and were the stainless steel starts. Do you use a mill bit to even the transition, or do you taper the ptfe? The main thing I have objection with is the allusion that this is a jam-proof hot end. There's always going to be jams somewhere.
Anonymous User
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 05, 2014 11:19PM |
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 05, 2014 11:27PM |
Admin Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 1,470 |
RP Iron Man
I understand why you brought this up and it is an important piece of information that needs to clearly understood.
I am fully aware of the details and this is precisely why I was very explicit about what licence I am going to use for this design. There have been several in depth discussions on this that occurred a few months back and there was some dissonance with regards to restrictions on open source designs. If you read those threads you can find my posts and you will understand why I chose this licence.
In brief, the NC clause does go against a part of the open source definition. I am aware of that and I am not trying to hide that. The NC clause is a way of me asking people to please respect my work by not exploiting it for their own monetary benefit. I do not plan on trying to enforce the NC restriction and if a copy shop started selling the Prometheus Hot End tomorrow there would be no way for me to stop them. I just hope that fellow RepRappers will respect my wishes and abide by the NC licence. I have spent an insane amount of time, money (lots of it) and effort on this project and selling the hot ends is the only way for me to make any of that back. If people by the Prometheus Hot End from me, they are helping account for the resources that I have already put into this project and also helping to fund my future development work. On the other hand, money eared by copy shops just goes to their owner's personal accounts. I stand behind the licence I chose and I think it is the safest way to develop "open source" hardware.
If people object to me using the specific term: "Open Source Design" I will replace it with something else...
"The drawings of the Prometheus Hot End are available for all at no cost as long as you do not use them for commercial purposes"
You can make your own, you can even make one for a friend...you just can't charge your friend for it
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Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 02:30AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
I apreciate the need for protecting your intellectual property, but the heat sink looks to be about 25mm long. Is the transition in the middle, the top, or the bottom? I don't know if this can be considered an "All Metal Hot End." The PTFE liner is a critical part.
There is some debate of course as to whether a design with an -NC clause can be called Open Source Hardware. I personally don't have a problem with -NC clauses, but just wanted to bring up the topic before someone else did. I was somewhat playing Devil's advocate to see if you had properly thought about the license, which it appears you have. There are some very interesting discussions on the topic, a particularly good read is Traumflug's (Markus Hitter) view on -NC licenses: [reprap.org] and [reprap.org]
I totally understand why you would want to use an -NC clause, and I hope you don't get crucified for it. It is most certainly your right to choose the license you feel is most appropriate.
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 03:14AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
...The stainless steel nozzle could lead to some problems, as it did with the Prusa hot end...
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 08:22AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 1,381 |
RP Iron Man
I really want to know what you guys think about this and get your opinion on the design decisions that I made.
RP Iron Man
Open-Source Design
RP Iron Man
“Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! smiling bouncing smiley[Many Pictures]
RP Iron Man
Durable, actively cooled, all-metal construction for high-temperature extrusion up to 300C (limited by thermistor reading).
RP Iron Man
Precision CNC-machined parts featuring an internally burnished 1-Piece Stainless Steel Nozzle.
I custom burnished the full length of the internal bore of the nozzle.
The burnishing procedure polishes the internal pathway of the nozzle to a near mirror finish
RP Iron Man
The burnishing procedure polishes the internal pathway of the nozzle to a near mirror finish ensuring that it is smooth enough to eliminate jamming.
RP Iron Man
As a result, the position of the thermistor in the “melt-zone” is user-customizable based on how you position the heater block and additional hex nuts on the nozzle.
RP Iron Man"
The "melt-zone" and "transition-zone" length are two of the most significant design features of a hot end which govern the extrusion behavior
RP Iron Man
The “melt-zone” can be lengthened simply by threading additional aluminium hex nuts against the heater block.
The “transition-zone” is easily set by increasing the distance between the heat sink and the heater block.
Depending on the length of the M-Z and T-Z the junction will be at different points in the heat sink
though this is not a problem because the heat sink is uniformly cooled.
RP Iron Man
Prometheus has printed successfully for hundreds of hours in PLA, ABS, Polycarbonate, and Nylon on several Prusa I2 printers without any leaks, clogs, or jams.
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 02:07PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 661 |
RP Iron Man
Yeah, I totally agree with Markus' views on this. I first read Markus' posts on NC licenses about 6 months ago and that is when I decided that they were the most appropriate license to use in this project. Unfortunately some people cannot accept the use of any NC clause whatsoever within RepRap. I hope people reading this thread realize that I am not trying to be selfish or anything like that, I am just trying to be as "open source" (not Open Source by definition) as possible while still protecting my work from exploitation.
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 02:31PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
Your new business is going to receive a lot of reviews.
Employ some one with a degree in English, is a native English speaker, and has experience editing advertising copy.
I wouldn't call this an open source project unless you are 100% sure that it is.
I don't know what the rules are for using the RepRap logo, I haven't read the CC's, you should verify.
Because you use a Teflon liner, I wouldn't claim an all metal hot end, you will confuse the consumer.
You should change the title of your thread to reflect this.
I wouldn't clam that the upper temperature range is limited by the thermistor.
Some one might modify your design, and mount a heater cartridge, with a thermal couple thinking your hot end can handle high heat.
Set a safe maximum upper temperature limit such that the device never fails catastrophically.
Have you tested the hot end without a fan.
Some clients will be interested if the hot end can operate without being actively cooled, and the effects of the print quality, and the potential for jamming.
Your using a Teflon liner so it might work with out the fan.
Cut the nozzle in half to demonstrate to your potential clients the quality of the surface finish.
I think this is a salable feature to show case.
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 04:23PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
Are you removing (honing) or reshaping (burnishing) the metal to achieve a near mirror finish on the barrel?
Removing vs. Reshaping:
Burnishing: reshapes the peaks of the tooling marks into the trough.
Polishing: reshapes or removes material, typically the finish of the surface is dictated by the size of the medium.
Honing: removes material, and the finish of the surface is dictated by the size of the medium.
Lapping: removes material, and the finish of the surface is dictated by the size of the medium.
I wouldn't make a subjective claim, quantify the allowable range of the surface finish on the blueprints.
Surface Finish Cross Reference Chart
This doesn't make sense.
The thermistor position is dependent upon the position of the heater block, and the hex nuts?
Can you support this statement?
Some one might argue that the extrudate behavior is dictated by the orifice land length, orifice diameter, temperature, and extrusion rate.
I wouldn't argue that the “melt-zone” or “transition-zone” can't be modified.
But after conducting 1000's of experiments, and discovering that the results of my experiments don't always match my expectations, I'm a little skeptical.
My guess is that regardless of the filament material, your experiments will always end up with the same conclusion.
For best performance, the length of the glass transition zone will always be minimized.
I don't think (but don't know) that there is an example of a longer glass transition zone being an advantage.
"In God we trust; all others must bring data."
Can you provide empirical data to support a claim that a longer glass transition zone is preferable.
If not, then I would eliminate the adjustable thermal break, and simplify the design.
After 100's of hours of printing, share a few stories of how adjusting the thermal break, melt zone, and heat sink improved the print.
Provide before and after pictures/video.
Are you implying that the client can't adjust the glass, and melt transition-zones to cause the filament to jam?
If it's not possible to recreate a jam, what do you attribute this too, this is a sell point.
From what I have read, the filament jams after a period of time of inactivity.
Given enough time the heat migrates up the filament, lengthening the glass transition zone creating a larger plug.
Does your design over come all scenarios of jamming, have you tested this.
Your videos are not in focus, it's difficult to see your hot end, don't advertise with out of focus images.
Mount the camera to the carriage that the hot end is mounted to so the hot end stays in focus.
You are selling the hot end, not the printer, or the printed object.
I would also like to see an in focus close up video of only the extrudate exiting the nozzle, (stationary, don't print an object) with different configurations of the hot end.
Demonstrate and document with a video that adjusting the different parameters has an effect on the extrudate.
HTH, and good luck with your Indiegogo campaign.
I can respect that and agree that others within the community are taking a short view of any license other than fully open. I would though point out that protecting your investment and opening it up fully are not mutually exclusive. Fully open means more smart people may want to contribute particularly users with manufacturing expertise/capability. Plenty of folks have sustainable businesses and fully open the project. Prusa, Johnny RAMPS/RAMbO, Brian JHead and Maxbots. All of those designs are available from others but the developers seem to be more or less working at capacity. I think in the end I think an NC license is more about making the developer feel protected however false the reality may be. There is nothing you can do to protect the design. You could trademark Prometheus Hot End and protect that but your basic mechanical concept is not going to be protected by an NC or any sort of user license. I think the concept of adjustability for various conditions and materials is the key and rather than having others help build on your design will only cause them to fork your design and not fully allow you to reap one of the great benefits of open hardware.
I like it. I'll get one when you start shipping.
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 05:38PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
Some one might argue that the extrudate behavior is dictated by the orifice land length, orifice diameter, temperature, and extrusion rate.
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 06:33PM |
Admin Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 3,096 |
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 07:57PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
I think your hotend is very interesting.
Not going to criticize anything, I see others do that enough already so I hope you take it as constructive criticism and maybe one day I'll be able to order your hotend!
I would like a 1.75mm version please, and one that prints PLA well, this is mandatory! I like to print my 1.75mm PLA with a 0.5mm nozzle. If you are able to provide me with a similar hotend that would make me a happy user! And what would be even better, if it has good shipping cost to the Netherlands
Good luck!
- Marinus
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 09:24PM |
Admin Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 1,470 |
This is an Indiegogo campaign promotion, it should be moved to
"Crowdfunding Projects Announcements".
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Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 10:03PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
I had this thread reported for the following reason:
This is an Indiegogo campaign promotion, it should be moved to
"Crowdfunding Projects Announcements".
For now I am going to leave this thread here, since this thread is asking for advice and critiques on a product that hasn't yet been placed on a crowd funding site. A more appropriate place may be the Plastic Extruder Working Group, but most people seem to use that forum for discussing filament extruders (creating filament) rather than printer extruders.
Once this product launches on Indigogo, this thread can be moved there and the original post updated with the Indigogo link.
Of course, another mod may not agree with me and may move this thread anyways, so just be aware that it may be moved at some point
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 06, 2014 10:20PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 2,947 |
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Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 07, 2014 01:02PM |
Admin Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 3,096 |
RP Iron Man
I think your hotend is very interesting.
Not going to criticize anything, I see others do that enough already so I hope you take it as constructive criticism and maybe one day I'll be able to order your hotend!
I would like a 1.75mm version please, and one that prints PLA well, this is mandatory! I like to print my 1.75mm PLA with a 0.5mm nozzle. If you are able to provide me with a similar hotend that would make me a happy user! And what would be even better, if it has good shipping cost to the Netherlands
Good luck!
- Marinus
Thanks Marinus!
This hot end should not have a problem printing 1.75mm PLA. Unfortunately, I will only be offering 0.4mm nozzles in the beginning so I hope that is ok for you. I am still working out the cost details but this is not going to be an overpriced hot end.
I will let you know when I get my Indiegogo campaign up an running
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 07, 2014 05:40PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 490 |
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 07, 2014 06:35PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
On a side note about the license. I truly believe an NC license hurts your sales. If you look at RAMPS vs. Gen7 you will notice the one with the NC gets very little attention and you do not find it being recommended for any reason other than you can make it yourself. I can't recall ever reading "you should buy a gen7 board" only "you could make a gen7 board". This is nothing against gen7 it actually has some advantages over other electronics like being 20mhz not 16mhz just that the license limits its exposure and popularity.
Back to the hotend. It looks good and I like that it is a hybrid hotend. Whenever I hear "all metal" I cringe a little knowing all the issues that most of them have. I think calling it a hybrid would benefit you by getting people that want a high temp hotend but have been scared away from all metal. As well as being a little more accurate since it is does have plastic inside the metal portion.
What cfm fan does it use and is it the minimum cfm you found worked? Or is it possible to use even less airflow say from a remote air pump and tubing running to it?
Also when you say it is adjustable do you mean you can change it at will or just that during initial set up you can make it one way or another? I ask because I can see it requiring a new liner for each change in length and I can see it being hard to take apart on a machine.
My hot end design still classifies as an "all-metal hot end" because the PTFE liner in in the "cold-zone" of the hot end. Many all metal hot end designs have PTFE in the "cold-zone". All-metal hot ends are designs that do not feature PTFE in the "melt-zone" or "transition-zone".
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 07, 2014 07:40PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
Can confirm: 0.3mm layer height with 0.4mm nozzle is possible and looking good (I am using an E3D v4.1)
From what I can see, you are using standard nut sizes. How about using half nuts for finer adjustability? Or are they too costly?
One thing I am not too sure about is the nut below the heatsink. Judging purely from intuition, I guess that having a cooling fin in its place would constrict the transition better (i.e. shorter transition between "cold" and transition zone) or alternatively a half nut as a compromise. Your experiments show that this is definitely working, but unfortunately we can't really look into the filament path and see how the filament reacts to these minute details (whether in extremely high temperature conditions, this will in the end make a difference for example)...
Other than that, I love how short your hot end can be configured to be as one thing that has always bugged me about the E3D is its sheer length. In most printers, this shouldn't matter, but when designing something to be as compact as possible, the size of components suddenly does matter a lot.
Nice work!
Like Ohmarinus, I really hope for reasonable shipping costs to Europe (or maybe partnerships with local sellers / RepRapDiscount?).
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 07, 2014 08:03PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,592 |
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 07, 2014 09:59PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
I hope this thread is not going to be another drawn out E3D affair..
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 08, 2014 12:15AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 1,381 |
RP Iron Man
The nut below the heat sink is a necessary part of the design that I don't really like.
The nut is necessary to secure the SS nozzle to the heat sink but impedes the cooling of the "cold-side".
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 08, 2014 12:26AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 290 |
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 08, 2014 01:20AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |
This doesn't make sense to me, have you conducted a thermal analysis of the heat flux from the barrel, into the nut, to the heat sink?
I think the aluminum nut reduces the temperature gradient (spreading resistance)
by pulling heat away from the SS barrel, that's what a heat sink does.
To decrease the spreading resistance in the base of a heat sink:
Increase the base thickness.
I would do the opposite, and have the aluminum nut in full contact with the heat sink,
and I would place an insulative washer between the heated block,
and the first aluminum nut to reduce the heat flow up the barrel.
I would also encase all of the SS barrel with aluminum nuts (a longer heat sink would be preferable) to help cool the barrel.
But if you have data that indicates otherwise?, then place an insulative washer between the heat sink and aluminum nut.
I would back your claim that the heat transfer from the aluminum nut into the heat sink is undesirable with some data.
I just like your hotend, due to its compact size, can print higher temp and surely hope still good with pla. Waiting for it ...
Excellent work!
Re: “Prometheus Hot End”: New Customizable All-Metal Hot End! ![]() March 08, 2014 01:26AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 246 |