RAMPS 1.4 w/ MEGA not recognised in COM ports in windows 8.1?
March 06, 2014 08:02AM

I have a Surface Pro 2 tablet running windows 8.1 and I am trying to get repetier host to talk to my Prusa i3 with RAMPS 1.4 and Arduino MEGA 2560.

The pc doesn't seem to recognize the printer on its usb port when i use repetier host, printrun nor arduino IDE.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Re: RAMPS 1.4 w/ MEGA not recognised in COM ports in windows 8.1?
March 06, 2014 08:03AM
Oh I might add that the printer runs perfectly fine on my desktop PC running windows 7. I use it frequently with Printrun.
Re: RAMPS 1.4 w/ MEGA not recognised in COM ports in windows 8.1?
March 06, 2014 04:53PM
Sounds like a problem with your Surface Pro 2 recognizing the FTDI chip on the Mega. Have you installed the updated Arduino drivers for Windows 8.1? Does Windows give you a device not recognized error or anything? Does anything new pop up in Device Manager when you plug the Mega into your Surface Pro 2?

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Re: RAMPS 1.4 w/ MEGA not recognised in COM ports in windows 8.1?
January 10, 2015 10:59AM
Have you installed the Ardunio driver? That's what caught me out (commenting as I found this via google search)
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