Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 06, 2014 10:06AM
Available as a free download for a limited time only, 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution is the new book from Aaron Council & Michael Petch.

[] say "addressing all the primary fields additive manufacturing technologies have so far had an impact on, or promise to in the near future."

If you enjoy the book, please leave a short review on Amazon. If you don't enjoy it, let us know and we'll try to improve the next one.

Best regards,

Founder of []
open | download - Screen Shot 2014-02-28 at 16.35.07.png (371.9 KB)
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 06, 2014 10:39AM
Have a download the doesn't involve Amazon?
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 07, 2014 04:32AM
Just a con trick - the link will not work.

Waitaki 3D Printer
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 07, 2014 08:23AM
The link works fine for me... It should take you to the amazon ordering page.

Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 07, 2014 09:06AM
Hi Waitaki, here is the link again if you are still having problems. []

Alternatively you can search for "3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution" to find the Amazon page.

TJB1: Other options to download the book will be available in the future once the free offer has expired.

Warm regards,
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 07, 2014 10:59AM
Just a con trick - the link will not work.

The link works just fine. I even downloaded the book and stripped it of DRM. It's now readable outside of Amazon's Kindle app spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

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Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 07, 2014 11:13AM

Thanks Very Much I have downloaded. Very Generous offer!! Thanks

The link does work, it is not a scam, it is just a regular Amazon Kindle book.
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 07, 2014 08:18PM
Hi Waitaki, here is the link again if you are still having problems. []

Warm regards,

OK, my apologies - the link to would not work so I used my account and managed to snare it!


Waitaki 3D Printer
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 07, 2014 09:37PM
The link works just fine. I even downloaded the book and stripped it of DRM. It's now readable outside of Amazon's Kindle app spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Care to share? smileys with beer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2014 09:39PM by Mogal.

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(Backup printer - Old reliable!) - Sold
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 07, 2014 11:59PM
Guys, I do not think it is appropriate to defeat the DRM. They are already giving it away. At some point they wish to sell it. For an author to make an offer like that and then still on the first page of posts to discuss ripping the DRM and filesharing it, IMHO you should be ashamed, and NewPerfection, aren't you a moderator here, if so that is a very poor example to set. sad smiley
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 08, 2014 12:13AM
If the DRM restricts the viewing of the book only on a Kindle, then I don't see the problem of removing the DRM
so you can read the book on a non kindle device.

If removing the DRM is not acceptable, then I would delete this post from the RepRap forum,
as it precludes every one from taking advantage of the free offer who didn't purchase a Kindle.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2014 12:45AM by A2.
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 08, 2014 01:11AM
Guys, I do not think it is appropriate to defeat the DRM. They are already giving it away. At some point they wish to sell it. For an author to make an offer like that and then still on the first page of posts to discuss ripping the DRM and filesharing it, IMHO you should be ashamed, and NewPerfection, aren't you a moderator here, if so that is a very poor example to set. sad smiley
I never offered to share a DRM-stripped version of the book. I personally can't stand DRM, which is why I removed the DRM for my own personal use. I see nothing wrong with that. I still recognize that the book is copyrighted, and would not share it without permission for that reason.

If the DRM restricts the viewing of the book only on a Kindle, then I don't see the problem of removing the DRM
so you can read the book on a non kindle device.
Amazon has a cloud reader app and desktop reader app that allow viewing of the book on almost any device. Like I said, I'm not going to share the DRM-stripped version, and no one else should either.

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Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 08, 2014 02:19AM
I'm all for OS, but the Black Dog's got to eat.
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 08, 2014 04:56AM
I have just downloaded it. Before it let me, I had to install a "Kindle for pc" app on my laptop which links to my existing Amazon account. There is no need to remove the DRM.

Thank you BlackDogConsulting. I will read it.
Re: Free Book. 3D Printing: Rise of the Third Industrial Revolution
March 10, 2014 11:26AM
Thanks to everyone who downloaded the book, the free download period will finish today (Monday).
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