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Printing a working engine in under an hour

Posted by theZephramCochrane 
Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 17, 2014 01:20PM

I've got a question to the forum: Does anyone want to functional engine parts and other parts in an hour?

I'm developing a desktop 3D printer that can make a 1 kg steel or aluminum part in under an hour. I'm making this for myself because I want to design/build/fire a working rocket engine in a day, but I'm
curious to see what else people would use this printer for if they had it and why they would use it.

Comment below if your interested in this printer and say why your interested in it and what you'd make with it:
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 17, 2014 01:38PM
Designing, building, and firing a rocket engine in one week is too easy, so you are going to do it all on one day? smiling smiley

theZephramCochrane, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, assume you are not trolling, and give you a serious response. Generally speaking, when someone makes an extraordinary claim about their new technology they need to provide some kind of evidence or technical information to back up their claims. What sort of information can you provide that might help people on the forum believe you are serious?

PS: You are not the first person on this forum to blithely announce you are going to develop an awesome new metal printer and then ask everyone if they are interested. (The previous threads didn't amount to much, if I remember correctly.)
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 17, 2014 06:00PM
I would use it to print anvils so I can start metalworking my own parts by hand winking smiley
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 17, 2014 08:23PM
I would use it to print anvils so I can start metalworking my own parts by hand winking smiley

...then build a cell extruder to print a set of hands. winking smiley

Considering that NASA is having engineers do complete documentation of a Saturn F1 moon rocket engine that was recently pulled from the ocean because they want to learn how it worked using 21st century tools, I wouldn't expect you to have much luck as an aspiring Goddard or Von Braun in such a short time. Not saying that a clay extruder couldn't make some model-grade solid fuel engines in a day, but not a liquid-fueled rocket motor unless you've also got some transparent aluminum eye rolling smiley that you're not telling us about.....
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 18, 2014 07:51AM
Interested, yes. Do I believe you will succeed: no.

Achieving this would imply several breakthroughs in 3D printing. You would need to manage 3D printing metal, it needs to have very strong layer bonding and it would have to be very fast (there are very few plastic printers that print 1kg in an hour, let alone metal).

So I second MattMoses, can you show us you're serious?
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 18, 2014 08:49AM
this is science fiction, for now

not without a 50K industrial printer anyhow.
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 18, 2014 10:07AM
I've spent a few years studying metal printers, and metal printing has been done before many times at MIT and at other places in the laboratory.

There are quite a few things to over come before the hobbyist can make use of it.

This is not a simple process that just any one could do, the setup and shut down is a ton of work, and if you don't do it correctly you'll damage your printer beyond repair.

Metal printers are massively dangerous, you need to understand every thing about it, all safety precautions must be followed, and use the buddy system in case you do get hurt.

Gruesome images, do not click on these links if you get sick easily:

High-Pressure Injection Injuries of the Hand in a Chinese Population

A molten metal, high-pressure injection injury of the hand

High-Pressure Injection Injuries

Based upon my readings no one has figured out how to bring metal printing down to the hobbyist level.
I have made models of my ideas for a hobbyist metal printer, time, money, energy, effort, and a laboratory are missing, it's a ton of work for one person.

In another +4 years some key patents will be expiring, and the market will start to develop.

But if you have a background in metal printing, (i.e. a MIT grad), I don't see why the OP couldn't pull this off and make it work.
The trick is can you design it for the hobbyist, I know it can be done. smoking smiley

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2014 10:18AM by A2.
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Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 18, 2014 12:32PM
Well I was simply asking what you would do with the capability if you had it. I have made no claims that I have finished this. So what say you? Why would you want a desktop printer that makes metal parts? What would you make with it?
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 18, 2014 12:45PM
Propably mostly parts for model rockets and cars.
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 18, 2014 11:02PM
Why are you even bothering to ask this question, what is your motivation.
I sense a troll. confused smiley

Printing a working engine in under an hour (self.3Dprinting)
submitted 1 day ago by theZephramCochrane
Throwaway account. Look at the username. Hurr.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2014 11:03PM by A2.
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 19, 2014 07:52AM
Why are you even bothering to ask this question, what is your motivation.
I sense a troll. confused smiley

Printing a working engine in under an hour (self.3Dprinting)
submitted 1 day ago by theZephramCochrane
Throwaway account. Look at the username. Hurr.

And here:

And here:
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 21, 2014 03:22AM
Seriously? Well if your interested in getting updates, go to the site I put up for signing up on reddit.

If you want answers to how the printing process would work, sign up here for updates.:


I apologize for the ghettoness of the site.

And to Ohmarinus I am not a troll, I'm just trying to reach as large an audience as possible, hence the same post on reddit, soliform, and 3dprintboard. You also missed instructables and alloyavenue if your really looking hard.
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 21, 2014 04:42AM
My scam-o-meter is still maxed out!

Send me one, and ill do a review on it!
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 21, 2014 04:47AM
My scam-o-meter is still maxed out!

Send me one, and ill do a review on it!

Even more so. Why would we have to sign up to a site I he could just explane it here?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2014 04:48AM by Thijs.
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 21, 2014 10:08AM
never gonna happen.... not by this guy anyway, not for $1200, and not by using an image of an UP! Mini Printer...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2014 10:17AM by Dirty Steve.
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 21, 2014 10:16AM
"Introducing the Manifester, the 3D printer that makes metal parts on your desktop. Selling now for $1199.99"

BUT, when you click on buy it now, it really isn't selling right now. Maybe on Stardate 2063, if you sign up for more info. Gotta love how he could set a price point on a product that doesn't exist, that takes into account the research, development, manufacturing, and marketing costs without knowing any of them! Sounds like a junior high school dreamer to me, and his parents need to be spending more time watching what their child is up to before they become accessories to his felony scam.

As for the product picture itself, it looks an awful lot like the heavy duty shredder that I bought for my office last month. If you feed it some aluminum cans, it will definitely make metal pieces all over your desk..... smiling smiley
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 21, 2014 10:41AM
Printing a functional engine part in under an hour is easy. What is it, a washer? spacer? nut/bolt/screw/pin? You don't say what the functional part is. Or what size.

It is really awesome though how your metal-printing 3D printer looks EXACTLY like this printer released almost 2 years ago. I can only presume that you purchased their surplus enclosures for your printer because it would be such a shame if you were discovered to be a troll. But reusing someone else's designed case would save you money, just like using watermarked Ghetty images, or public domain NASA images posted on Wikipedia, or grainy stills from a movie I'm sure that wasn't licensed either.
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 21, 2014 04:08PM
It's indeed nice to try that maybe a website will lure in even more fools winking smiley Haha, but not me.
Re: Printing a working engine in under an hour
April 23, 2014 03:10AM
I'm guessing the only thing you'll get more information on is snake oils and vacation scam packages by providing your name and email
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