Benchtop milling machines and commerical hobby cnc routers
January 28, 2010 05:46PM
Who here is using taigs, sherlines, Sieg-type Chinese Mill Drills, k2 cnc routers, fireballs, etc.?

I was wondering if we need a dedicated forum for this subject.

Speak out if this works for you.

-Sebastien, library gnome.

Remember, you're all RepRap developers (once you've joined the super-secret developer mailing list), and the wiki,, [] is for everyone and everything! grinning smiley
Re: Benchtop milling machines and commerical hobby cnc routers
January 28, 2010 05:49PM
ISEL CNC-mill 550x500x90mm working area ...


*** EDIT: maybe images of the machines and some workpieces are helpfull?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/2010 04:26AM by VDX.
open | download - Isel-Anlage_kl.jpg (137.3 KB)
open | download - Alu-Fraesen2.jpg (107.1 KB)
open | download - Speckstein-640.jpg (124.6 KB)
open | download - Plexiglas-Aufsteller.jpg (74.7 KB)
open | download - Schach3-Alle.jpg (140.2 KB)
open | download - Han_Schoko2.jpg (91.1 KB)
open | download - Yoda_Fraesen-fertig.jpg (111.8 KB)
open | download - Yoda-klein-gross.jpg (92 KB)
I built my own cnc router. Does that count?

Re: Benchtop milling machines and commerical hobby cnc routers
January 29, 2010 08:24AM
Josh: mount an extruder and you have a repstrap, then it will count winking smiley
Re: Benchtop milling machines and commerical hobby cnc routers
January 29, 2010 04:20PM
Erm yep that would be interesting to have especially in view of the Eiffel project

Have the Sieg Micro Mill with Baby Bertha a three stage CNC still in development

Bespoke threded drive very fine very slow high resolution

Project Development problems yet to be solved:-
Movement speed of the stages.
End stop inconstancy to high for EMC2 End stops) need reworking

Future developments.
Replace old original steppers wit new steppers.
Increasing bed size.

Bed size 55mm x 55mm x 55mm using fixed mill.

Have Bertha CNC DIY built using Bits from bytes steppers 10mm x 2mm trapezoidal drives 1/8 microstepping controllers using Plastic corner blocks 8mm guide bars.

Its a finished fully functioning CNC using a Dremel .. Lookalike

Bed size 370mm x 330mm x 100mm using fixed gantry.

Future developments.
Skate bearing spindle driven by RC brush less motor ESC controller
have 2 of each ready to try out.

Have Big Bertha intended to be 1200mm X 600mm x 200mm or 4' X 2'x 8" work area
may now be 1000mm X 500mm x 200mm due to funding
As already have 16mm x 5mm ball screws for 1000mm x 500mm
1200mm x 20mm linear slides
600mm x 16mm linear slides
Micro stepping 25600 per rev
2 Nm torque steppers

Only Half built as will only fit in a workshop
that's not built yet.

Future developments.
Thinking of multiple cutting heads as it is possible to do
with a moving gantry.

Usable Bed size 1000mm X 500mm x 200mm
Physical bed size 1350mm x 800mm

Software for all three Linux EMC2 as the same PC can run all three CNC's

Bodge It []

BIQ Sanguinololu SD LCD board BIQ Stepcon BIQ Opto Endstop
BIQ Heater Block PCB BIQ Extruder Peek clamp replacement BIQ Huxley Seedling
BIQ Sanguinololu mounting BIQ standalone Sanguinololu or Ramps mounting Print It Stick It Cut it

My rep strap: []

Buy the bits from B&Q pipestrap []
How to Build a Darwin without any Rep Rap Parts []
Web Site []
Re: Benchtop milling machines and commerical hobby cnc routers
January 30, 2010 09:43AM
I use
* Sherline 2000 CNC mill
* Sherline manual lathe
* MakerBot

Someday I need to pick from one of the many solutions people have posted in Sherline forums for getting rid of the excessive backlash. Right now milled holes come out weirdly shaped sad smiley

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