From another thread.
Julie, let me know if you want to start up a Mechanical Computing Working Group. I'd suggest a thread to begin with, and then grow that into its own forum.
I have a hidden agenda: I want multiple gear families in the wiki as part of RBS. Also, mechanical computing is cool.
Would you like to upload your 3D models of Adding Mechanisms here
or here
This may supplement or supplant blogging.
-Sebastien, librarian.
Thanks for suggesting this. I am probably some time off having specific examples to post. Much of the recent research is somewhat copyrighted in academic journals and books, so I am not sure what drawings can be posted. Obviously my own models taken from the 19th century plans can be shared at will. The papers of dead professors I am not so sure about.
Borrowing examples from other threads. I define mechanical computing as cam and gear based examples. Historically these have been implemented in the following well known implementations.
The oldest of these devices is the Antikythera device. In the late 1950s, 1959 to be exact the late Derek de Solla price wrote a paper, which was summarized in Scientific American. He worked in this through the 1970s.
The late Alan G Bromley wrote a number of articles in both early computing publications as well as the British Horological Journal. Much of my work has been to independently follow on with some of Bromley's research.
Bromley's academic successors have managed some astounding breakthroughs using modern image processing and tomographic techniques. The result of this research can be found
Ideally one should be able to take the tomographic slices and use reprap to create a study model, which shows the internal state of the gearing. Like most mechanical computing devices, the functions are based on a clockwork model of the celestial heavens.
In the following examples, this large central gear known as the "prime mover" will be seen as a common driving force. Where the reprap and other 3D printing technologies come in play relates to the need for gear teeth ratios containing prime numbers. These prime numbered gears are required to handle the non-linear functions mechanical computers are best at solving.
Technically the Antikythera device is not a computer. It is a calculator. A complex one used for determining eclipses and when the Olympic games are to be held.
Often dismissed by literature scholars as fantasy, there are quite a few indications that such devices, while rare were not uncommon. It would be the sort of thing a Roman senator would own. More on the techincal side we have the writings of Hero of Alexander and Philo of Byzantium. These detail technology from puppet shows (my favorite) to cranes and steam turbines. Why it took over 1900 years to combine the latter two concepts is one of the great mysteries of the world.
In digital logic, the elements are based on logic gates and oscillators. The fundamentals of mechanical computers are clocks,gears,cams, escapements and pinned barrels.
Clocks are either oscillators or pulse shapers. Pulses are shaped by a mechanical device called an escapement. Escapements come in two forms intermittent, or continuous. As found the Antikythera device has not escapement. It does however contain a program input section in the form a a grooved disk, which can react to programmed pins and markers.
There are many examples of clockwork displays in public squares throughout the world. While interesting and complex these devices fall out of the scope of this summery.
Most improvements relating to clockwork oscillators did not happen until the 16th and 17th centuries. These were further improved in the 18th century, where mechanical computing starts to separate from pure timekeeping. The most practical development was a new form of continuous escapement, which made musical boxes possible. This was the fly governor.
Forms of this governor had been used in automata since the times of the Greeks. The Franco-Swiss engineers in the Jura mountains worked out how to use a gear driven lead-screw to precisely control the speeds of rotating cams.
This combined with the concepts popularized by Cartesian mathematics made possible, program storage devices, such as music boxes, which could play interchangeable songs.
The Jaquet droz dolls,
Detailed on my website represent the first example of a true stored program computing device. A large wheel on the writer doll can be programmed with tabs representing 40 characters of the roman alphabet. How these tabs are programmed determines what the doll can write. A stack of cams relates to the memory unit of a Harvard architecture processing unit. These cams represent in 3 dimensions plus time the letter to be written in Cartesian coordinates. All combinations of the 40 characters are possible.
The Jaquet-Droz automatons use all the concepts of mechanical computing. These are the ancestors of automatic lathes and riviting machines, Babbages calculating and computing devices, and most importantly the fabric weaving industry.
Jaquet-Droz followed on the work of Vacuanson, who created the automatic looms, which set off the industrial revolution. Vacuanson' looms used a single prime mover or barrel.
After Jaquet-Droz came Jaqard who made a change to Vacuanson loom, by adding a chain of cards to the prime mover. This makes the prime mover almost infinitely long.
In the 1830s and 1840s there exist two more examples, perfecting mechanical computing. The first of these is the clock of Strasbourg Cathedral. Strictly speaking these remain clock calendar devices which solve specific astronomical problems which are non linear. This clock is in effect made of many sub processors, some which move automata others calculate time. Mechanically solved are the lunar equation, Date of easter and the leap year century rule. The later is most ingenious inserting a separate card into a wheel every 4 or 400 years.
The second example are the computing devices of Charles Babbage and his son H.P. Babbage. This work was forgotten between 1870 and 1969 until some patent cases came forward. Since 1969 there has been a lot written.
Most of the foundational work on these archives was done by the late Alan G. Bromley, who was mentioned in connection with the early Greeks. The archives, left to the British public in the 1870s are now controlled by the for profit Science Museum of London. Through corporate sponsorship and private grants, examples of some of the simpler calculating engines have been built.
Simpler versions of these calculating engines were built by others during the 1850s and 1860s. Most scholars feel this work was a dead in and had little impact, on the developments 100 years later.
These mechanical calculators and computing concepts are a complex subject. Please feel free to open threads or discuss some of the details and myths of what was done, what could have been done and what can be done.
Returning to Swilgue's Strasbourg clock and the lunar equation calculator. Analog computers baased on this technology were to play a major roll in the WWII era time-frame. Much of this relates to the work of Vannever Bush and his differential analyzer.
This is a short summery of mechanical computing from the Greeks to the modern age. Please feel free to add to this summery or ask questions.