pvc printing
March 08, 2010 03:13AM
we had a man at work today redoing the floors and he was using a plastic welder to seam the pvc sheets together. I had already been talking to him about my printers so when i started looking at his filament he offered me about 10' of it to try. Has anyone ever tried using pvc weld wire before?
Re: pvc printing
March 08, 2010 04:09AM
... it's working, but you have to ventilate the building-area and the surrounding room, as the fumes when heatin/overheating PVC are highly toxic eye rolling smiley
Re: pvc printing
March 08, 2010 12:32PM
I tried it, but ended up baking it in the extruder, ended up with burnt crumbly residue. I think it may have extruded properly at first but not sure, didn't get as far as testing adhesion to print bed, warping etc.

I think it has a low thermal stability, so it can be taken up to the melting point, but if kept there for to long will do strange things to the polymer.

I tried to find the temp settings i used, but can't sorry.
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