I've been playing with my I2 for quite some time now and it's time for an upgrade, I am designing my own and these are the current two projects on mind.
Bed Z, Hotend X,Y
-Allows for faster prints
-The object is less likely to dislodge compared to a Bed X,Y (explained later)
-The correllation of the gantries speed to weight is directly inversely proportional (more or less
Bed X,Y, Hotend Z here's the
layout i had in mind
-Can support heavier 'accessories', more colors(I'm thinking big, bigger than just 2 or even 4!), different ends(drills, lasercutters and so forth)
-Because the entire printed object is moving, it has a larger chance of dislodging from the bed
-Will be a lot bigger. 4 times bigger than the print bed as the entire bed needs to reach one point in the center, so it needs to extend out 50% of its width in each direction
I believe these two take maximum advantage of both worlds, light weight and fast vs feature packed but slower. I also want to be able to have easy detachable beds to allow swapping of materials, easy cleaning and so forth. I won't delve to far into the details of my dream printer ;P I'm just curious on what your thoughts and experiences are with these kinds of printers. Specifically things to be carefull with and things to avoid
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2014 10:41AM by AriesPrinters.