So turns out, yes, I can print at
50 microns. (0.05mm layer height)
I did not think my machine was 'That' good but, yeh,
it is...
it was cool to see, because my z-axis is calbribrated so well, it wasnt a problem
I printed the 20mm calibration cube with 0% infil and 3 lines thickness of walls.
20mm was 393 layers and
2hours and 40minutes
with the first layer at 400microns (I could change in settings but i didn't)
and 392 layers at
this is the print.
for you reference this is the 400 micron layer height (0.4mm)
and them both side by side
I could effectively make the resolution better with the upgrade of stepper drivers (DRV8825 drivers)
These allow for 1/32 stepping, instead of 1/16 and it just means better running of motors,
This also means higher resolution in X and Y axis, leaving better 'Detail Resolution' While being able to give 50 micron 'Height Resolution'
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/2014 11:06AM by pushthatbolder.