Hi, I've modified my firmware by following
ZennmasterM's guide and everything appears to be working except when I manually try and move the Z axis in pronterface using 'G1 Z10'. The motors start to turn, about 1/8" of a rotation, then hum for a few seconds, then turn another 1/8th of a rotation, then stop. When I check their position using M114, pronterface returns saying it is at Z10. I can use the buttons in pronterface to move it up and down and G28 moves all of the motors fine. I've increased my voltage on the Z driver from 0.4V to 0.5V to 0.6V which hasn't helped. I've dropped the DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE from {250, 250, 2, 22} to {250, 250, 1, 22}, again, hasn't helped. I've checked my physical connections and everything looks fine. I've downgraded the firmware to the
regular MakerFarm 8" i3v and moving the Z axis using 'G1 Z10' works perfectly. I've attached my
configuration file here, everything else was downloaded yesterday from
ErikZalm's Marlin github.
I don't know what to troubleshoot next.
All in hopes of one day getting auto bed leveling working
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/2014 02:13PM by MatusisDrake.